Thursday, May 31, 2007

1 Week

Currently on my 1 week study leave for CFA exam this coming Sunday. Took the chance to help out at my church's book shop with their electronic scanning/inventory software. Some advertisements here ;), the book shop is called "Path Seekers". Its just beside Clarke Quay MRT and has plenty of christian books, cds resources etc. Do visit the place!

Along the way there, I met this guy at Clarke Quay MRT who asked for a dollar from me. Well I know many of us would have met such a situation with people asking us for money. But anyway, I gave him the dollar and also... a Gospel Pamplet! Asking him to believe in Jesus. I am reminded always to make use of every available opportunity to spread the Gospel as commanded by Jesus. Well I give such people the benefit of the doubt that they really need the money and since they are resorting to such means, I would think that they really need the money, but most importantly, they need the salvation from Jesus.

Also took the chance to visit my old friend Shawn. If you don't already know, Shawn was my army friend back many years ago. He met with an motor accident and was since paralysed from the waist down. He could be said as one of the closer friends that I had back in camp.

Played some computer games at his house, chatted awhile, then had lunch at a nearby coffeeshop. Its was just great spending this time with him, catching up, sharing with him what's going on in my life... but of coz I know that there's this emptiness within him that can only be supplied by the love of God.

Went back after lunch with him and before I left, I prayed with him and also left with him two evangelistic CDs. May the Holy Spirit work in his heart. It is not by our words, our might our strength but my the Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

View of my office

Hello, just wanted to share with you guys what my office look like.

My teddy bear given to me by one of my sun sch students. awww......;)
The front view of the building. The building with the Keppel sign being Ocean building. And if you look closely, you can actually see the DHL balloon.
Opps...forgot to rotate the picture.
And that's the construction site of the IRs. And you can also the construction of the dam that will convert Marina bay into a fresh water reservoir.
aaahhhh....the ferris wheel. Its like a straight line from this view. To the left of it is of coz Ritz Carlton and the new floating stadium for this year's National Day Parade. if you wanna have a good view of this year's NDP....

So there you have it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

MEDITATE upon God's word

Its been a year and a half working in CS. Many happenings over this period of time. One of the more prominent ones being, proposing to my gf, set a wedding date, did wedding preparations and looking forward to my wedding day. God's gift to me. ;)

CFA is coming up on June 3rd. Realli a lot of time spent studying for this damn exam. Dunno whether ultimately its worth doing not...but since I had an initial interest, though its dying ...haha and its kinda free and easy.

But of coz, teaching Sun sch comes first. Definitely before studying for CFA. The joy of teaching God's word is irreplacable. Preparing lesson, ploring over God's word, i now really understand Psalm 1: 2, That you delight in His word when you ponder it day and night. And really ponder. How often do we ponder about God's word during our personal devotion/quiet time?
Is it just a "I must finish the bible in a year" mentality or I have to fulfill my devotion requirement mindset? To really meditate, think deeply, reflect upon it, ponder how to apply it in your life, now that really makes a significance to how God's word affects you.

Before teaching Sun sch, i admit that I have not done such meditating before. Just touch and go. But the responsibility of teaching sun sch, the responsibility that I am responsible for the young 12 lives, I meditate over His word. Meditate how does God's word play an important in the lives of my students, meditate how does God's word wants me to live as a life example for my students to follow. That I live what I preach.

Dear readers, you might not be teaching sun sch or in fact might be quite far from God (Or you might, which I thank God). You might be just 'touch and go' on God's word. That's what I did before. But dear bros and sis in Christ, MEDITATE over his word. THink about it, think deeply, how it applies to you, how you could keep it in your heart and let it guide you in your decisions, coz that's what Jesus has promised through the Holy Spirit living inside us.MEDITATE.
It has certainly helped me alot and gave me a completely different view of life. An eagle's eye view. A view not of that people saying, go climb the Banking/Finance industry, go Front Office and make big bucks. A view not of do your Masters, CFA, etc... But a view that man need salvation for all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.