Sunday, October 28, 2007

John Macarthur

John Macarthur is really a man who stands up for the Truth. See the below videos...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Some updates, and also, welcome Declan!

Some updates...

Firstly, congratulations May and David. You guys are now officially...parents! Thank the Lord that everything went well and both mother and child are doing fine. May Declan grow in truth and stature, and in favour with both men and God.

Now very contrastingly, I met with an unfortunate incident. Before prayer meeting on fri, while i was having dinner, i witnessed a car accident which involved 3 victims, which I till now have no news if they survived not. I am pretty sure that 2 of them would turn out fine but one of them was injured very badly at that point in time. His body motionless, lying there. So all there, the junction of Sims Ave and Aljunied Road (near Aljunied MRT) is no joke. Please be extra alert when crossing/driving around there.

I am still looking out for newspaper articles reporting on the incident that all 3 are alright. If that seriously injured guy passes away, i will be so stunned, and probably night marish.
Also, this reminds me that life can just slip pass u in a second, you never knowing. You might not have the chance to say good bye to your dearest ones. I sincerely hope that everyone embraces the salvation of Jesus before its their turn...
And also, with the breathe in you, glorify God with it.

Went Gospel tracting before YF, as usual, most rejected, but thanked God that the others managed to reach out to some, whom are really earnestly seeking God. May we continue to pray for them. Life is not just a endless cycle of work, eat, sleep, but a life that we are able to seek God and in turn allow God to seek us, that we can rejoice and live it to fruition.

Mid nite liao...gotta sleep teach SS tmr...and mon where its back to work!!! =X

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Sis wrote a Song!

My sis wrote for me a song which I penned the lyrics.
Power rite....btw my sis is in NY a school called MSM (guess the acronym la...)doing her flute masters.

Romantic hor??? =D a small problem how to sing/play the song...=X

Saturday, October 13, 2007

26 liao

Hello all..been awhile since the last post. Getting lethargic when it comes to blogger ya.

While I have just turned 26 officially. I thank God greatly for the many showers of blessings during these 26 years. May i remain faithful and resolve till the very end.

Got quite a headache selecting our wedding photos. We got to choose 30 pics from out of alot alot and to top up additional photos is very expensive. Together with Cat, we decided that the money used to top up the photos could be better spent as where. Hence, we will stick to 30 photos and take more photos during the AD and honey moon! Anyway, you can view some of the photos at Cat's page.

Recently been quite crazy over music, especially piano playing. Together with a colleague (GS), we are picking up pop piano. I've been attending this pop piano class at yamaha and am already into my 4th lesson. Left hand bass clef ok...right hand trevor clef ok...both hands together NOT OK. Must seriously improve on my sight reading. Now its equivalent to the pace of a millipede...even slower. But I ma enjoying yea..=)

Also realize another style of playing the piano, which is kinda of porting the style from guitar..that is..just whack the chords and singalong..hahaha...but some how I am much better at that! and doing that I can kinda of play by ear...hahah...but i wanna learn the traditional way of reading the notes and hopefully can combine them both sister's playing!! (fat hope..haha)

Wedding coming soon...ooohh...lots of things to do... things @ work too...@ church too...

Been reading a book given by Pr. Linglee, just wanna share this sentence which realli nailed it.

"The disciple of Christ is one who in every area of his life determines from the bible what is right and lives it consistently rather than allowing circumstances to shape his conduct."
May God help all of us to carve His word into our hearts.

(p.s.: I wrote some dumb lyrics for a song for a stupid company event.)

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Hello! Had my photoshoot on wednesday. Thank God that everything went fine. I was quite uncomfortable initially, not knowing what to expect and how to react, but I just prayed for guidance and followed.

It was quite fun, posing, similing, fixing the smile, have never done that in my life. Thanks to Nicholas who was my helper that day. Buying lunch, carrying stuff, chaffuering and using that portable fan on me.

Cat enjoyed it alot. Haha..phew...

Hope to post some of the photos soon. Meanwhile, just enjoy two of them below!
The train...

My eyes too small, skin too white, too fat...hahahahhahah...but still nice la!