But if I say, I will not mention him or speak any more in his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. Jer 20:9
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Thank you Lord for grandpa
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sep 14
Very close to Sep 11, is sep 14, exactly one year after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. The US govt back then refused to save the bank with a long traditional, and it thus had to collapse due to its sheer amount of loses caused by the devaluation of its toxic assets (the mortgage backed securities).
After that, a tsunamic of financial institutions collapse followed. The govt stepped it and poured almost a trillion dollars into the financial system in a desperate bid to avoid a financial system meltdown. Yes, a trillion dollars. Probably enough to bring an entire 3rd world country to have skyscrapers in it.
After that, a string of regulatory reforms were enacted, and fast forwarding, it seems that the dust has settled and the financial system is strong again, picking up, traders are back at their game again. The question is, will things turn topsy turvy again? Yes it will.
The root of the problem wasn’t solved. Its not some toxic product, or about whether its capitalism or communism, but the greed of man, the severe greed of man, is ever present. They might not offer mortgage backed securities any more, but the so called ‘financial innovation’ will once again come in the form of disguised ‘vanilla’ products that might seem to offer simple fixed returns, but man’s greed will soon let it loose again, derivatives will start to creep around the corner, and we are in the process of creating another bubble again.
No amount of financial reform will resolve this problem. The bible says that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve the Lord at the same time and also serve money. Not that we cannot possess money, its important and a very important tool for expansion of the church, benefitting brethens in need, and a tool for our livelihood.
Its the priority that we rank them. God first? Money first? Which is our Lord? Or is God ever in the picture? The bible has mentioned that blessings come upon the man who meditates upon His Word day and night. Regarding blessings from money? Erm…Or rather, regretful consequences from greed?
The priority is important. With God first, we will consider how we should gain our money. Through proper, moral, God favouring means. And also, the intent, when we earning this money.
God’s abundant grace is ever present, and might possibly be in the form of money, although its just one out of the millions of ways his grace can flow to us. What’s important is that God asks us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first. In short, its to seek Him first, His ministry, His Word, to Benefit his children first. And after that, if He’s willing, the rest will follow through.
So, countdown to the next financial collapse? Can probably look out for a few signs, some so called ‘super goody’ financial product appears again, might probably be from real estate given the frenzy now in singapore. Look out for speculation on prices for ALMOST EVERYTHING, commodities, wines, art pieces, i dunno…erm…names? Basically speculating on anything.
Till now, the eager bankers would probably not worry about when the next collapse will come…
Sep 11
ohh…Caleb is now at Sembawang. But he is coping well there and mummy and papa still visit him at night, so its ok. We will fetch you back on thurs nite ok? So its not too long that you will be away from us. One week 4 out of 3 nights you are with us =).
Other than that, the sep 11 anniversary just past a few days ago. As we watch new footages of the planes crashing into the towers, renewed memories of those terrifying scenes kept flashing through our minds. In a fallen world, with the depraved minds of man, in the name of false ideological gods, all immorality is put aside. Now which religion would condone such an evil act? The very taking away of numerous lives?
Let us have a sound mind, that we know the truth and goodness of a loving God, whose wrath on sin did not fall on those who have repented and believed in Christ, but on Christ himself, on the cross, and those who have rejected him. With a sound mind, we read, understand the Word of God, the bible, and there is no way you can get a hinge of a meaning that you ought to self-sacrifice and destroy another religion with violence and oppression.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Caleb photos! From my E63 – first time transfer
Caleb with Samuel and pr. lingli’s aunt
Pr. LIngli’s aunt close up
Oops, he ain’t getting very used to the flash.
Caleb with Pr. Lingli who has a big smile
Caleb having a weird look with teacher Grace
Caleb having a ‘small eyes’ look with teacher Grace
Close up with Pr. Lingli’s aunt
Oops…intruder alert
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Going to Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibition
We will first go to Bank Negara of Indonesia to remit money for the maid, then we will go for lunch at Beppu?? (mummy is hitting me)
And then we will go to the Arts Museum to see the Dead Sea scrolls where the rest of the church members will join us.
Then after that, we will go to Mummy’s friend’s baby who is celebrating his one year old b-day.
Ok, what a boring post this is, well to test Windows Live Writer 2009. Get your free copy now. It comes with many other useful applications like a photo gallery. Well of coz, google still rules.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Really really thank God
It was really a miracle when i think back, when he was struggling to even breathe and his life was in danger, till now at home filled with energy though now his level of antibodies is very low due to his medication for MG, and as a result is very vulnerable to common diseases.
Finding a church for cousin
It would be really useful too if the church is located in the east.
Would like to bring my cousin and her brother there as they are having some problems coping with the mandarin language used in my current church.
I really do hope that they have a right relationship with Christ through the use of a language they are comfortable with. May God lead us to finding such a church.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
I love Mummy and Caleb! + random thoughts
Caleb is 7 months and 5 days old! He can crawl, walk on the walker, reach out his hands to ask to be carried, can eat solids, do ga-gas wa-was, hold his milk bottle to feed himself and of course brings lots of joy to people around him as what his name is intended for.
Thank God for taking care of him, growing stronger day by day.
On a side note, did you guys read the article on the suicide pact by a self made taoist medium who is only 16 yrs old? He made the pact together with 6 other teenagers and 2 really did jumped off a 9th storey floor. Felt really really sad on what had happened.
Apparently, they felt that they had to self sacrifice themselves to save the world. May we always have God's truth in us, given to us by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, having God's Word as a light before us, shining clearly and brightly the path before us, to warn us of temptations, warn us of dangers, to know the truth, and the truth sets us free, free to do God's will. Not the will or deception of the devil, or man's depraved thoughts.
Oh well, off to teach my Global Citizenship class now. Signing off, Jason.