Thursday, July 05, 2007

Grandma back home

Grandma has been discharged and is at home now. Thanks to all who have kept her in your prayers. Puff... had to shift everything downstairs out and everything upstairs down to renovate the downstairs room for Grandma to stay. Seriously sweat man, worse than back in combat engineers fixing bridges...haha.

Nowadays when come back from work have to do a ton of household chores. Quite tiring actually, after a whole's day work when u expect rest but its just the beginning of a whole family's load of household chores. Well, but as long as its for the family, I do not mind. ;) Only that poor mum has to do lotsa household chores too.

Recently had a chance to share the Gospel with three colleagues. The first is a colleague from another dept, who kinda outrightly rejected it. 2nd was my teammate, who was actively seeked a debate, asking about whether the resurrection realli happened, how do i know if the scriptures were true, etc... I tried my best to answer him. 3rd was the best case ..haha..went lunch with this colleague and we had the chance to share. She was very willing to hear the Gospel too! So thank God! I shared with her the truth of Jesus's salvation for mankind and some testimonies of bro/sis that have their lives aided by the Word. I pray that the Holy Spirit would personally touch her. Remember that our confidence should not be placed on our words to people alone, but the Holy Spirit should personally work in the hearts of them. Hence we should not be worried about whether if we are not eloquent of not but just boldy preach the truth to them, and let the Holy Spirit work in its own sovereign way. But of course, we should always be ready to give a defense of the faith that we have. I seriously recommend this book 'I'm glad you asked'. The questions I've been asking since I was young, like "Why God don't save everyone?" have been answered in the book. And sometimes the answers are, there is no answer, but can only rely on the sovereignty of God and that He is just, righteous, always good and always loving.

Wedding preparations are undergoing...have been selecting the designs for the church wedding invites. Also looked around for cheap air tickets and car rentals for our honey moon in.......hehe..dun tell u.

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Gospel of John

I am gonna finish teaching the Gospel of John in Sunday school soon. Its really a great book in which many christians truths are based upon.

There is a flim appropriately titled "The Gospel of John" which portrays the Gospel of John. The dialogue in the film is based very closely to the verses in the Gospel. It is definitely a good film to catch as it brings to life the verses, providing context and emotions in the dialogues which helps bring out the meaning in the verses to the viewer.

Below are the links which you can view the film in parts. I recommend that you obtain the DVD if you like the film or would like to watch it in its entirety. (Of course as well as to adhere to licensing issues ;)) //part1 //part2 //part3 //part4 //part5 //part6 //part7 //part8 //part9 //part10 //part11 //part12 //part13 //part14 //part15 //part16 //part17 //part18 //part19