My Testimony

Hi, welcome to my blog. I was born in Singapore in the year 1981 to a wonderful family who loves me and brought me up the best way that they could have.

I graduated from the National University of Singapore, Computer Science in 2006. After graduation, I was fortunate enough to land myself a job in an Investment bank. I gained valuable experience during my time there, learning much about finance and banking systems. I also experienced first hand, the fragility of the financial world during the 2008 sub prime crisis, and witnessed close friends being retrenched.

Though I enjoyed my time in the financial world, because of my previous one year stint being a tutor in my honors year, I learned that I enjoyed teaching and yearned to impart what I had gained to others. I have also always enjoyed interacting with youths in church fellowship and as a Sunday school teacher. Thus I applied for a role as Lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic in the school of Informatics and Information Technology (IIT). By God's grace, I got the job!

All long, I have always been highly interested in technology. I have expertise in many programming languages and have written several introductory programming books for the beginner. I experiment with latest technological platforms, the most recent being iOS, Android, Windows 7, Blackberry, Mac and Windows 8 development.

Though I love technology, what really drives me and resides in me is Jesus Christ and His written word, the bible. Christ is my Lord and Savior. Everything I do, I try to do it for the glory of Him (though I fail miserably).

I was not a Christian from birth. I first attended church in my early secondary school days but back then, i probably did not truly have a relationship with Christ. It was more of joining an 'activity'. During my National Service, after that and into University, I living a self-dependent life. I lived life like there was no god and that i made all the decisions. I was the moral judge, but in the eyes of God, I was living an immoral life.

It was then that the Lord greatly reprimanded me into knowing what a wretched sinner I am. Where had all the bible stories and sermons that I have heard from young gone to? Why have I became such a hypocritical self? I knew I was not living right. I did not have peace.

I seriously examined myself before the Lord then. It was in my university days that i truly knew Jesus Christ. I knew that without Christ, I am a wretched sinner bound for hell. I needed salvation. I needed to repent. I needed the work of Christ on the cross. I needed to follow Christ, regardless of the costs, because it is worth it.

Since then, it has been no turning back for me. If there was a true God, who has revealed His Word in the bible, who commands us to follow Him with all our faith and lives even till the point of losing our lives, I had to obey it. I had to obey His Word and acknowledge Christ as Lord of my life. I had to repent. In doing so, I felt peace and joy like no other. In doing so, I have felt His guidance and His blessing in many areas of my life.

By His moving through the Holy Spirit, i led a new life. It wasn't a drastic change nor did I see any dreams/visions. It was a simple re-commitment back to serving God. I served fervently in church. I serve not with a blind faith, but a faith with the true and living God as the object, as revealed in the bible. God has blessed me greatly since then. There are of course times of trials that God places in my life but they are all for the better.

I am married with the greatest wife that any man can have and have the most adorable two sons that any father can have. God has blessed me with sufficient material which I consider as a privilege that I can offer it back to Him for His Kingdom. But be it in prosperity or poverty, His name be praised.

Better than material abundance, I have a healthy body which I consider God's grace that I can use it to work and serve the church. There are many loving people around me, most directly my family and also loving friends who have showered their love not only upon me, but my wife and kids. I thank God greatly for them.

God has greatly blessed me with the gift of understanding technology and I yearn to use that for His Kingdom. Most recently, i created an iPhone app through which you can listen for free/purchase biblical sermons in particular to the chinese community. Other than that, He has given me a love for His Word and though i have many lessons in the week, the one i look forward most is Sunday school bible study.

As i grow in age, in maturity of His word, i can only submit to Him for His usage in His Kingdom. There are times when God places trials in my life to test my faith and increase it. I am still in the midst of this journey, by God's grace, I hope I can continue to run the race, for the goal of Christ.

My testimony is unfinished. God's blessings and graces are continually upon me. I will strive to update my testimony continually.

May this testimony aid you to know Christ as your Lord and Savior too. There is no better thing. Perhaps you are struggling in your life, not knowing who to turn too. Christ is ever ready to save you as long as you are willing to reach out to His reaching hand and follow Him. Will you?