Friday, August 31, 2007


Just came back from a play, "If there are seasons." 天冷就回来。
It was good. George chan was the lead actor and boy can he sing well, and somemore in chinese. Effectively bilingual.

Brought back alot of memories from young when i heard those xinyao songs.

But of coz, the play couldn't beat ....The Bourne Ultimatum! brother acted..hahaha

i always wished that The Flight of the Conchords would come to Singapore to perform. Absolutely brillant! Best humour from anyone i have ever heard for a very long time. Incredible.

And thank God that more Korean hostages have been released!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Karlene Krista


A few happenings in my house this while, sis flew to the US to pursue her masters in music in manhattan, grandma getting much better, failed ippt, translated in prayer meeting, registered for cfa level 2, preparing to speak in sf, bought wedding bands...

I received a letter from my sponsored child from the Compassion foundation, a christian organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus's name. I replied her. Her name is Karlene Krista. Just wanted to share it here with all of you...Here it is...

Monday, August 06, 2007

STI fall

Posted an entry in my sch sun blog regarding STI index fall today.

Just had the urge to do that. Sincere heartfelt words.
On the secular side, if you ask me where is the STI heading, i believe that ask more and more companies realize that they have exposure to sub-prime mortgage loans, prices will continue to drop, more stringent acts will be in place, leading to more drops. Hence, look out for drops in the short term, but the fundamentals are realli good, especially for Singapore. En blocs, investments coming in, M & A happening etc. After the short term drop, buy on the correction and just leave it there for a year or two till it hits 4000 plus. And while leaving it there, remember, that "Man does not live on bread (or STI index) alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Btw, i passed my CFA I. =)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My Sister

11 th Nov Chopin

Canon in D with Guan Huai Fang Shi

Ju Hua Tai

Hei Se You Mo

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord, for You preserved my grandma, though she had a mild stroke on Sunday night, you guided her through in recovery and she is now safetly back home, a mere 2/3 days in hospital.

Thank You Lord, for You one in which we can seek refuge, one that I can pray with Grandma to you, and you listen to prayers.

Thank You Lord, for You have sent your wonderful servants to pay Grandma a visit using Your Word to encourage and refresh our spirits.

Thank You Lord.