Sunday, October 31, 2010

The importance of knowing a book in the bible's background

As we read books of the bible, it's useful to get the background of the book when it was written. Why did the author write the book? In what circumstances was the author in when it was written?

In doing so, we really can appreciate more strongly the author's point as well as get the intended meaning correct.

For example, when we read 2 Timothy, if we know that this was Paul's last letter before he was to be martyred, that it was written when he was imprisoned in a cold roman jail with chains, we would read it in a different light.

A man in his last moments would definitely say the most important points to his most intended recipient. So you can appreciate from thus that 2 Timothy was paul's most dire words to his young co laborer in Christ.

But though Paul was in such a hopeless situation as most would see it, we see that he had actually the ultimate hope in him. That he would be with God soon and be given the crown of righteousness, for he had fought the good fight, ran the good race and kept the good faith.

If you had been to Cambodia and visited the tuol sleng prison, where thousands of people were prisoned with the end in mind being execution, and seeing their tiny and dirty cells, you can never imagine that you will still have hope if you are imprisoned there.

Yet Paul had. When people of this world thinks that he gave his life for nothing, he actually gave it for everything, that while in chains, then Word might be preached even more fervently because of his example.

So with all this background, when we read 2 Timothy now, it would be in a different light and we can almost feel it coming to life.

The word of God is not just boring texts. Get a bible handbook or study bible that introduces a book's background, and the text will come alive, that we can understand it better, proclaim it better, defend it better, obey it better.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

On a Lord's day

Went church in the morning for Sunday school with wife and Caleb. Though it's a nice Sunday morning for sleeping and indeed a chore to wash up Caleb, we still have to make it for sun sch as it's the least we can do for reverence towards God.

Too many people miss church because they think it's too early, or inconvenient, or just lazy. Often we are hypocrites when we say we want to serve God with our best when we do not even take the effort to at least be punctual for church. I am not saying this to pinpoint anyone but just a reminder to myself and all. That God is not to be mocked but revered in all specific aspects.

Glad that pris and Sion could join us today. It's a joy seeing them growing in love and truth towards God. Make God be with them continuing them to grow in faith, word and deeds.

Came back home and started preparing for school the following day. Excel vba. Also continued working on some flash cards iPhone app. Indeed I have to remind and avoid copyright issues for I should not indulge in dishonest gains.

Eat with mama in the evening and watched some shows with wife, mama and Caleb running around.

May God continue to comfort mama's heart and strengthen upon her the hope that she will meet gong gong again in heaven. Worshiping our great God together for eternity.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

My Beloved Gong Gong

My beloved gong gong was called home to the Lord on the 26th of sept 2010. I loved him.

I still miss him very much now as I type this entry out ten days later. There is much emotions to talk about but I will not post it here as it is reserved for my innermost heart.

Though he has left, I know he has departed to a far better place, where there is no tears, sorrow, pain any longer. One day we will meet again just as David said that he will go to his son one day.

Gong gong is in paradise, together with the Lord. Thank you Lord.

The Saddest Verse in the Bible

I think one of the saddest passages of the bible is found below.

13 But see, there is joy and revelry,
slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep,
eating of meat and drinking of wine!
"Let us eat and drink," you say,
"for tomorrow we die!"

14 The LORD Almighty has revealed this in my hearing: "Till your dying day this sin will not be atoned for," says the Lord, the LORD Almighty.

The Lord was describing Jerusalem in this instance. That though they were in idolatry, sexual immorality, and paganism, they did not feel that they had offended God. They were not conscious of the presence of God and His commandments which if disobeyed, brings upon wrath.

They indulged in their sin, feasted, drank to their hearts content, committed immoral acts, just to 'enjoy life to the fullest' for tomorrow, we die. Life is short.

Sounds familiar? Isn't this what the world is doing right now? Enjoy now, for I have only one life. Isn't this what the world says?

What does the Lord say about this? He says. That till the day of your deathbed, your sins will not be cleansed. With sin, we depart into the hell, sheol, awaiting the judgement of the heat white throne, and then thrown into the eternal lake of fire.

Don't believe this article? it's not from me, it's from the Word of God, weigh your options. Continue to live in your life of sin and indulgence and risk eternal torment. Or, turn toward the savior Lord, and commit your lives to Him. Let me know if you choose to do the latter. With my fullest of energies, I will help you.

This verse doesn't have to be the saddest verse. It can be the happiest verse leading you to Christ.