Monday, March 26, 2012

The Tenacity of Yanosuke Hirai

The Tenacity of Yanosuke Hirai

The nuclear spillout crisis which resulted from the Fukushima nuclear was largely because the breakwaters at the plant was only 10m and thus unable to defend against the 13m tsunami wave onslaught. Because the breakwaters didn't work, huge amounts of water overflowed into the low lying cooling generators which pumped water into the nuclear reactors to cool them down.

The generators soon stopped working and water was not pumped into the reactors thus causing temperatures in the reactor to soar and an explosion which cause the huge amounts of radiation to be spread all over.

Why did this happen only to nuclear plant in Fukushima? It so happened that the same killer waves crashed onto another nuclear plant at Onagawa. However, because its break waters were 14.8m high, it could effectively protect the plant from the 13m waves.

Now why were the breakwaters at Onagawa 14.8m high? It was due to the tenacity of one man. Yanosuke Hirai. He passed away in 1986. But his sense of responsibility and integrity saved Onagawa. When everyone was against building a breakwater at 14.8m high, he stood resolved. Other engineers felt that 12m was sufficient and the additional costs of extending the height was unwarranted. Yanosuke stood resolved. His responsibility saved the region of Onagawa from a similar one like that of Fukushima.

In the face of opposition, he knew to do what was right. You can read more of the story below.

It reminded me of us Christians, to do what we know is right. Joshua and Caleb knew that obtaining the land of Canaan in spite of the enemy was the right thing to do for that was promised of God. Inspite of opposition from the ten other spies, they stood resolve to obtain the land. As a result, they were the only two men of that generation to enter the promised land.

Today, as Christians, we know of the impending judgement of God. If we are not washed in the blood of Christ, we will have to stand in judgement before God. However, the good news is that through Christ, we need not stand before this judgement. Instead, we are assured of a place, Christ himself has prepared for us, where we enjoy eternal rest. This is our faith. Are we willing to have the tenacity to hold on to, to spread, to defend this faith?

The tsunami of judgement is coming. We need to have the break water of Jesus. Are we willing to stand before others and say, that the existing breakwater of man's self help is not sufficient? That we need the breakwater of Christ? In the face of opposition, we have to do what's right. And only what's right, can save us.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do you question if God is worth giving up your all?

Do you question if God is worth giving up your all?

Jesus told us that the most important command, is to love your God, with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Paul tells us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices.

Do you ever struggle with this command? The bible tells us plainly that its a command. Non negotiable. Like an officer to a soldier, its an order. We struggle. We worry. We question if its worth it. But when we obey as such, we will be remembered by God and He will honor us. Perhaps, a story can help us. The story is told in Matt 26, Mark 14 and John 12.

It is only two days away from Jesus crucifixion. Jesus was in the home of Simon. Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, came with a jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard, broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.

It is worth mentioning that the perfume was contained in a alabaster vial, made out of a special marble which is the best container for preserving expensive perfume and oils. The pure nard is oil derived from the nard plant native to India. That is was pure meant that it was genuine and unadulterated which made it so costly. The perfume was worth more than a year's wages, 300 denarii. In today's terms, i think it should be at least 30,000 USD.

Once you break the vial, it cannot be kept for reuse. It is meant only for a one time usage for a woman's most important occasion in her life, her wedding.

Mary then anointed Jesus feet with the perfume and wiped them with her hair. A woman's hair is her most prized possession. Washing a man's feet was the most looked down upon work.

This was an act of pure worship. A sacrificial act, yet done with a cheerful heart by Mary to our Lord.

Mary's symbol brings to live loving her Lord with all her heart, her soul, her mind, her strength.

In return, Jesus says, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.

This is an example for us to follow. Are we willing to give to our Lord our own alabaster vial of perfume, made of pure nard? Its worth it. For our Lord. Those who honors Him, He honors them.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Joy in Suffering

Psalm 31:7-8
"I will rejoice and be glad in your faithful love because you have seen my affliction. You have known the troubles of my life and have not handed me over to the enemy."

Being a Christian doesn't mean that we will not go through sufferings. But how can we have joy in them?

1. We have joy because of God's faithful love. Which means that in our sufferings, God has meant them to be beneficial for us even though we do not understand it. Think Joseph, almost killed by his brothers, sold to Egypt, maligned by Potiphar's wife, jailed, yet it was all in God's sovereign plan by God to make him prime minister for Egypt that through his God given wisdom planned for the coming famine.

2. We have joy because God cares for us in our suffering. Just as sick children who suffer in their illnesses, whenever their parents take care of them, wipe away their tears and embraces them, a smile breaks out on their face. Because they know that their parents care for them. Their parents know the pain they are going through. The same way, we are in the embracing arms of God who sympathizes and understands what we are going through.

Jesus cares for us. He cared for the little children. He care for the hungry people whom he taught. He care for a mother whose son was about to leave her. He care for the many sick and blind. He care for those whom had not God's truth. He cares for us till the point of laying down his life for us.