Tuesday, December 04, 2007

1 month countdown...

Wah...very long neber update liao. Singlish all come out liao. hahahah

hehe, below are the song lyrics to be sung by SF choir during my wedding. So romantic rite...They sounded really angelic during their first rehearsal. Many thanks to I-ning and Linglee who led them! My sis gotta quickly come back and rehearse with them!

What we saw during our traffic-jam-look-at-christmas-lights orchard road. It distracted me away from the christmas decos.

Hachi Roku!!! (meaning 86...well even though Jaz says its supposed to bbe Hachi Loku.)

And of coz...my newly renovated study room! With new tables from ikea and wardrobe!! Super big wardrobe! Super long jointed 2 white tables!!!

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