Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ranting 16th july

Ok guys probably already know it, but if you don't, here's the ahem..shocker. yes my wife's 'you le'. Thank God for children are a gift from Him.

Bad news is that she has to stabilize her condition more and is currently a week of m.c. Have to be confined to bed rest and absolutely no load lifting, walking about too much etc etc.

The confines of growing up to more and more adult like responsibilities have been indeed abit too much to take sometimes. But its part of moulding i guess. And of course and that we can leave any burdens to the Lord.

Work now is realli quite hectic and it is not really to my enojoyment. I seldom wanna talk abt work but this time round, its like...abit overwhelming at times. But taking it in stride and step by step and definitely by relying on God, I get by well.

Have been interpreting much more now in church and i've kinda enjoy it. Though the nervous bugs till bite me when i start to step into unfamiliar ground. To all budding interpreters! Interpret that thru you, others are edified (they can understand), and bringing them to God. Simple as that.

Its been so long since i have last blogged and so many things have happened in the world, sichuan, myanmar, oil price, zimbabwe, catholic priest in scandal,...i wld like to comment on each one by probably just to lazy to type it down. sure thing that i wld comment if face to face discussion. =)

Please treat the above as just my ranting, its like 2am and I can't get to sleep so i am just anyhow bloggin out my thoughts which are highly subjective and prone to changes hahahah...

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