Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Content of Ministry

Mark 6:7-13 "And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in their belts— but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics. And he said to them, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you depart from there. And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.” So they went out and proclaimed uthat people should repent. And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them."

Often, we talk about preaching. But what exactly is the content of our preaching? When Jesus sent out his disciples two by two, we note some contents of preaching:

Jesus has authority over evil spirits (7): We need not be concern of idol or deities suppressing us, for we have the true Son of God with us. We need not be fearful because we know the one true God.

Whoever believes in Him, will welcome him. (10): One who believes in Him, will welcome Him into his life, his house, his work, his life and subject everything to Him as Lord and Savior.

Whoever rejects Him, wrath will be on him. (11): One who rejects Him, awaiting him is the terrible judgement and wrath of God.

We have to repent. (12): We have to rid the things and thoughts that God does not approve in our lives.

Jesus is our healer. (13): In Christ, we are healed of our sins. In His will, He may choose to heal physical illnesses too.

Only by Faith, We Experience God

Mark 6:4-6 "And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.” And He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief."

Without faith, we will not see God. Without faith, we will not please Him. Without faith, we will not experience His power, His blessing.

One might say, where is God? I will only believe when I see Him.

But just as we can only truly feel the power of electricity, love or air when we believe, we can only experience God, when we first take the step of faith.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Acceptable Sacrifices

Acceptable Sacrifices

Lev 21:20 "You are not to present anything that has a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf."

When we present offerings to God, we are to present our very best to God for it to be favored. Just as Abel offered his best and was honored by God, we are to offer our first fruits, first salaries, to Him.

Perhaps we only offer when we have met all expenses/savings and give only what's remaining. Perhaps we only serve God when we have convenient spare time. Perhaps we only serve God only after we have given the world the best of our years.

Give the best to God now. In your finances, in your studies, in your work, do it for His glory.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Abram’s Fall in Egypt

Abram’s Fall in Egypt (Gen 12:9-10)

V9, Abram continued toward Negev. This is a drier area (lesser rainfall, thus needed wells to be dug), less desirable for raising crops but better for his vocation as a herdsman, perhaps engaging also in merchant activity. 

In verse 10, there was a famine there and Abram went down to Egypt. Famine was not an unusual phenomenon in Canaan. Two other major food shortages also occurred during Isaac's time (26:1) and Joseph's time (41:56). In Israel, the only river that flowed all year round was the Jordan river. Yet, it is completely below sea level which means that irrigation from it was difficult. Thus the growth of crops was heavily reliant on rain. When there was no rain, it means a famine. Egypt was the best location with water supply. 

Did Abram fail here by heading to Egypt?

Still holding on to God's promise, he did not return to Ur, though matter were extremely difficult. Heb 11:15 says, "indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is a heavenly one."

Abram's faith was patient and endured great hardships because they believed God had something better. They had no desire to go back to Ur, but did long for Heaven.

The Lying Half Truth (12:11-16)

In verses 11 to 13, Abram tells Sarai to acknowledge him as his brother. This is because during then, it was a time where man with physical superiority if they fancied a beautiful woman, could just snatch her and kill her husband. At 65, Sarah was still young and attractive, being only half her age (she died at 127). The patriarchs lived long. Abram lived till 175. 

To protect himself, he asked Sarai to identify herself as his sister. This is a lying half true as they shared the same father, but different mothers thus making her his half-sister and not truly his sister.

However, a half truth is still a lie as the Egyptians still took Sarah away to Pharoah. Abram did not tell the more important other half of the truth that she was his wife.
Do we tell half truths and neglect the other more important half?
I serve God. But only when its convenient for me.
I offer. But only when I have excess money.
God is love. But God is also a God who judges.
Jesus saves. But His salvation will bear forth repentance and holy living for Him.

Abram's Attempted Self Protection and Failure to Protect his wife (12:17)

The separation of Abram and Sarai was critical enough for the Lord to personally intervene (17). Abram used this ruse to protect himself. (13, "that I may live") apparently without too much thought being given to Sarai. But God's reaction focused upon the protection of Sarai.

Through God's protection, Pharaoh escorted him away with his wife and all that belonged to him. The exit would probably have the servants talking about it amongst themselves with some loss to Abram's integrity and reputation in their eyes which perhaps led to quarrels between Abram and Lot's servants.

Abraham's Faith and Worship

God Reassures Abram in spite of Opposition (Gen 12:6-7)

Gen 12:6-9 tells us of Abram’s journey from out of Haran. He traveled as far as Shechem. It was about 15 miles west of the Jordan and 30 miles north of Jerusalem.

The Canaanites were in the land there which inevitably Abram would have been threatened by their occupation of the land. However God in verse 7 appeared to him to boost his faith and re-assuring him that He will give this land to his offspring. The seeds of divine truth were to be sown there for the benefit of all man kind. It was chosen as the most appropriate land for the coming of divine revelation and salvation for the world. 

The Response of Abram - Confession of Faith and Public Worship (12:7)

In a response of thanksgiving, Abram built an altar to the Lord. Abram made an open confession of his faith and established worship of the true God. This was the first place of worship ever erected in the Promised Land.

Moses was writing approximately 700 years after Abram entered the land. The Canaanites were soon to be opponents of Israel as they entered Canaan. Moses wrote this to encourage both himself, and the Israelites in the Lord.

It is Worth It!

When God calls for our obedience, He does not just leave us alone or as a traveller in the desert fending for himself. He will constantly encourage us, reassuring us the worthiness of reaching the heavenly goal, comfort us when we are down, and reminding us that we have not treaded down the wrong path.

Knowing the Importance of Worship and Thanksgiving (12:8)

In verse 8, he continued towards Bethel and pitched his tent. Again he built an altar and called on the name of the Lord. This is the second time Abram built an altar. He will continue to build two more later in Hebron and Mt. Moriah. Why did Abram build an altar? He knew the important of worship and thanksgiving to God. We might be involved in fellowship, prayer meeting, witnessing, but worship is an important time where we place all our attention on God.

I have seen people smsing, facebooking, using their handphones during worship. Some sleep. Some are too lazy to bring their bibles. Some sit there but are not actually attentive. In other words, being DISTRACTED. Let’s not do that. Jesus tells us to worship in truth and in spirit. What does that mean?

Worship in truth means we worship according to God’s truth. We preach the truth in worship, sing hymns that convict us of God’s truth in worship, the entire atmosphere helps infiltrate God’s truth into our mind, emotional and conviction.

Worship in spirit means we do not just worship in dead truth alone, but yet in truth, and also in a lively manner that involves our total selves to focus on God. It does not mean we jump around like a rock concert. Is that true liveliness? We can be lively, yet mindful of the respectfulness to maintain before our great Lord.

So let us not be distracted during worship. Treat worship as important. Be ready to worship. Actively worship. Live out your worship.

The Faith and Obedience of Abram The Faith and Obedience of Abram

The Faith and Obedience of Abram

In Gen 12:1-5, we see God calling Abram out of the idolatrous land of Haran and to enter the land which God Himself will show and give. His call does not come without direction or purpose. Though the exact when and where is not revealed to Abram, yet God promises to him in verses 2 and 3 that God will bless him
  •      into a great nation,
  •      his name will be great and be a blessing,
  •      and all peoples will be blessed through him.

Heb 11:1 tells that faith is being confident in what we hope for and assured about what we do not see. As I was watching X-Men: United, Night Crawler himself a devout Christian said, “I pity the humans, because they believe only in what they see.”

Heb 11: 8,9 says that by faith, Abram obeyed God’s call even though he did not know where he was going. He made his home in a foreign land as a stranger. He lived in tents. Why could he do all this?

The answer lies in verse 10. Because Abram was looking forward to a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

That reminds us today that though we can’t see God, but by faith, we obey His words in our lives even though it may costs us a price, like Abram having to leave Haran. But obedience is leaving something for a better thing found in God. We can look forward to a heavenly city and being praised as a good and faithful slave.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are We Out Of Our Mind?

Mark 3:21 "and when his family heard it, they went out to seize Jesus, for they were saying, 'He is out of His mind.'"

In the Christian walk, there will be many times to the faithful follower of Christ where his closest family and friends will not understand the actions of him, till to the point that they mistaken him as out of his mind.

This is not surprising as the same thing happened to Jesus. He allowed people to impose on Him, asking Him to teach them, to heal them, to minister to them. Thousands crowded around Him when the chance arises. And when his family heard Him returning home, they quickly seized Him out of love and protection, to protect Himself from others. This is the natural instinct of loved ones. Won't a mother tiger risk her all to protect her cubs? This is but love shown upon by the family.

However, Jesus knew that an even greater Father was in control. Yes, to the family, they indeed will not understand why Jesus spends so much time outside proclaiming an unseen Kingdom, will want to dine with sinners, tax collectors, willing to be humiliated by supposedly respected teachers of that time, and ultimately, be crucified on to the cross in the most tragic of capital punishment.

But Jesus obeyed His Father's will, that His Kingdom be seek first, His Kingdom be established. Many times, families do not understand why we allow others to impose on our time, money and energy. But this mis-understanding will not stay. In tens of years, in Heaven, all this will be made crystal clear. Why the Christian has been storing treasures in Heaven? Why has he been seeking the Heavenly Kingdom first?

Yes, misunderstandings will remain. However, just as His family did not understand sometimes, they still submitted because they saw the truthfulness and purity of His life. They knew that He was God and they must have faith in what was to be achieved by God Himself, just as Mary submitted and allowed herself to be made use of by God to bear the Son of God.

The Christian is to continue to love, honor his family though such misunderstandings exist. And through that testimony, bring to light what is unseen, to be clearly and soberly seen in faith.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sin needs a Sacrifice

In Leviticus 4, we are taught about the sin offerings that God requires of man whenever he sins. When man sins, they have to sacrifice an animal before God for atonement.

When can we stop sinning? We sin every moment. If not in actions, then in thought. What a terrible tragic state we are. If we are to offer sacrifices for our sin, i think it would have to be non-stop offering,

But God sent His own sacrifice on behalf of us. His Son, Jesus. One the cross, He was the sacrifice once and for all man. In Him, we no longer have to make our own sacrifice for God gave His own sacrifice for us.

Are we still trying to offer sacrifices for our sin? We can never offer enough. We will always stop short.

Accept in faith, the divine sacrifice made for you by a loving God. Christ crucified.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012



1. 照顾好家庭
2. 有钱,奉献给神
3. 读完及明白圣经一遍
4. 传福音:一个星期至少传给一个人
