Friday, February 24, 2012

The Faith and Obedience of Abram The Faith and Obedience of Abram

The Faith and Obedience of Abram

In Gen 12:1-5, we see God calling Abram out of the idolatrous land of Haran and to enter the land which God Himself will show and give. His call does not come without direction or purpose. Though the exact when and where is not revealed to Abram, yet God promises to him in verses 2 and 3 that God will bless him
  •      into a great nation,
  •      his name will be great and be a blessing,
  •      and all peoples will be blessed through him.

Heb 11:1 tells that faith is being confident in what we hope for and assured about what we do not see. As I was watching X-Men: United, Night Crawler himself a devout Christian said, “I pity the humans, because they believe only in what they see.”

Heb 11: 8,9 says that by faith, Abram obeyed God’s call even though he did not know where he was going. He made his home in a foreign land as a stranger. He lived in tents. Why could he do all this?

The answer lies in verse 10. Because Abram was looking forward to a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

That reminds us today that though we can’t see God, but by faith, we obey His words in our lives even though it may costs us a price, like Abram having to leave Haran. But obedience is leaving something for a better thing found in God. We can look forward to a heavenly city and being praised as a good and faithful slave.

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