Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Ulitmate Code

Somehow verbally, I am quite afraid to speak my mind for fear of people's disapproval. But when it comes to what is most important in life, the question of "Where am I going after I die?", I have to boldly speak the truth. Well, if you guys know me, I am a computer science student and being one, I believe the below code plainly says it all...

Man man = new Man();

if (man.believe_in_Jesus)
if(there is a hell){
else{ is a big fat life. That's all.
if(there is a hell){ placed in Hell
// will not ever come here. There is a God, and there is Hell.

The above is just from a logical point of view. The logical point to believe in Jesus. Now beyond the logical view, is really what has caused Christianity to spread forth world wide. That God's word in the form of the bible has revealed to us that we are sinners but through Jesus's dying on the cross, our sins are cleansed if we believe in Him.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thank God for 2006

Hello Dear all,

Its been ages since I have last updated my blog. Hope to some updates here.
Thank God for 2006! A year of bountiful graces for me. Really have to thank God for guiding me through my undergraduate studies. Its been a tough but memorable 4 years for me, balancing between commitments, but hey I've made it, and so had many of my friends! Will always remember you all, SOC lab mates!

And what abundant grace I have, getting my job. And, things have gone pretty smooth sailing till now.

And of course, teaching sun. sch... Digging deep, pondering over the truths of the bible, sun sch has been really life changing for me. You really get alot out when you ponder over His Word. As what Psalm 1:1 says, 当喜爱耶和华的律法,这人便为有福.

And of course, to know that I am guiding 12 young lives at their teens, I have to put forth my all in teaching well. May God lead.

Hope to share some of my sun sch lessons with you all!

Well, believeing in God doesn't mean that all will go smooth sailing. I had abundant graces in 2006. There were also bad times that I choose not to mention here. And we don't the reason or will of God for those bad times. But like what God had told Job, his soverignity rules and His way is the best way. One thing for certain, I have learnt much more about myself and about God in times of difficulty than in times of well being. (I quote the guy doing the Genome Mapping thing. Btw, he's the head of the Human Genome project. He's a brillant scientist and a faithful christian. So, whoever said that Science and Christianity can't go hand in hand, go check him out.)

Will try to do regular updates! Cya all and God bless.