Friday, March 02, 2007

Couped at Ocean Building

Signz...still at work. Bloody Oracle 10g upgrade from 9i coz me to stay in office for 2 days. And I literally mean stay. First day staying till almost 6am, 2nd day which is now, its already 12 midnite and I estimate that I would have to stay for another 1.5 hrs, damn!

It is really these times that I hate I.T. Wasting time over all these meaningless issues. Haiz...though I ultimately know what I should achieve with my life. Attempt great things for God, do great things for God.

OK! Come friday, i definitely have to leave the office at 6-7 and faster prepare my heart for prayer meeting as chairman. Really have to buck up my prayer life. The moment you feel you are too busy to pray, or no time, that is the moment when you just got to pray! To communicate with God, the build up a relationship with him.

Btw, mum has called my tua ku and his whole family to come over Singapore for my wedding. I think this is actually the first time that my entire family will be at one location at a single moment in time. ;) I wonder what a scene it would create. Imagine it being so funny, seeing all my cousins, relatives... and of coz, to bear good testimony to God.

Wonder what marriage life would be like... My relationship now with Cat is always being so tied down by other things. And by other things, I don't mean work where we strive for individual interests but rather burdens in life that we have no choice but to help support the stronghold. Sometimes, its really lacking of good quality time spent together... But as long as true love holds, its transcendant across time and space.

Been into about 10 months in to working life. Learned alot, handling people, different cultures, coming up with ideas, making decisions when it counts... And indeed I thank God for the grace that He has shown me. People are good, appreciative, and just realli nice people.

You know, I am just blasting random thoughts now, reflecting on what has been happening in my life. I am always all out seeking for something to do, that I have not a second to spare, but its really quite nice to just lay back and just ponder over thoughts. Shiok... Cheers, Jason

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