Friday, June 22, 2007


Grandma had a fall which caused her thigh bone to break. As a result she was warded in TTSH.
It was a tuesday morning, when my mum hurriedly woke me up and told me that Grandma had a bad fall. I went downstairs and indeed, Grandma was sitting there in pain. We quickly sent her to TTSH.

Its been over a few days already and we just came back from visiting her. Her operation to insert a metal rod inside her leg was supposedly scheduled for June 26 but it had to go throught he anaestheician's approval. By God's grace my granddad sudden'y called this afternoon and said that grandma is being pushed to the operating theatre. I think the doctors must have deemed her suitable for the operation.

Praise and deeply give thanks to the Lord. The operation had finished and grandma is now resting back at her ward. I've just got back. Really thank the Lord that all went well. We were quite afraid at first because the doctor has warned us that the GA can possibly cause stroke or death if the patient's heart is week. Greatly give thanks to the Lord that He has tided my grandma over. Also, I can witness the peace within my grandma when I pray for her, she would close her eyes together with me as we pray and after that fall slient. I give thanks and pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work within her. Amen.

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