Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Reflecting back on 2007

Well now, let me kinda do a review of 2007 and reflect back on ups and downs, the Lord's graces, and certain interesting things! Let's see how much I can remember.

January- Think it was around this time that Cat and I decided on Oriental being our wedding dinner venue. It was really the earlier stages of our wedding preps. Looking back..haha..we went Park Royal, Orchard hotel, both service stuff where nice.. but Wifey liked Oriental best. Hence there u haf it, coming Sat! Enjoy the food ya!!!

What else in january..hmmm...can't really remember anything significantoh..maybe at work it was my first attempt at giving training to adults? haha...i have taught sunday sch to teenagers, computer science to undergrads and tuition to kids, but adults ? it was kinda my first, but haha..i treat gave it the same mentality to all my teachings, keep it simple, bring out what the audience needs to know, and a sincere love for them. (okok, I still have a much to work on that!!!)

Feb - Err...chinese new year? Boring...haha.... Oh was quite tied up at work coz of UAT (User acceptance testing). Realized that this is the period where work kinda gets doubled. Its actually where users and programmer finally sit down and say, hey...this is wat i understood from you. hey this is what I expected from you. And also started to think, hey, is this what i really want to do? Spend my time with? Or, is there a higher calling?
ALso, got to know the joyous nwews that the May is pregnant!

March - UAT still going on. At the same time had to study for CFA. Also had to prepare for sun sch every wk. But thank God for His preservation, to put my priorities rite. Sun sch seriously had to come first. Those 12 young souls listen to me for an hr each wk, i just can't go there irresponsiblily and any how teach them, especially when its the Word of God. More on sun sch later. But i thoroughly enjoyed the Gospel of John. Indepth reading of the bible is way different from just reading thru...

April - die die, memory failing...cannot rem much. UAT was coming to an end. More studying for CFA. Sun sch...

May - Took 10 days leave to study for CFA. study study study...but funny and u might not believe me, but I love studying finance leh...the subject interests me. veri much like i like comp sci too.

June - Exam day. Also thank God that Cat and I could join family camp. Thank God that some of the youths could go to the watchmen's fellowship in Penang. 'Shou wang tuan'. Cat and I went abt 2-3yrs back, so encouraging that other youths went too!

July - woo hoo.By God's grace, i passed CFA level 1! haha...one thing bad that happened was that Grandma had a realli bad fall. She broke her thigh bone and also had a frigthening scare of symptoms of stroke. But God indeed works wonderfully, when she was in her bed, we had many moments to share, pray for her. And she was very willing for me to pray with her. Its in times of need, that we seek the Lord most. Hence, it realli made me understand by what James said that "Consider it pure joy when you experience trials."

Aug - Got to know 2 realli cool colleagues from work. U know who u r!
Sep -
Oct - Declan was born! First baby from the youths! Population birth rate of church: 1! Also shuxian got married!
Nov -
Dec - Phew. SF/YF Camp over. Tiring sia...Prep for wedding

Er...i sougta eased off towards the end of the last 6 months. Too lazy to type and think and recap. But realli many many things to thank God for in 2007. Now to look forward and press on in 2008!!!

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