Monday, February 25, 2008

Good bye Sam

When I first joined CS, a british accented chinese sat near me. Becoz I sat near him, I always got to hear him speak. And it was really fascinating, to see a chinese speak in perfect british accent. He was of vietnam accent but guess his family moved over to London. Not only was it nice to hear him speak, but as he handled issues, management of projs, it was quite an experience to witness all that.

I do not know him personally and never got a chance to speak to him. It was just me observing him from far. A month or so later, i moved to another location and thus was the end of our close proximity.

Today I received a mail ,

"I was told the sad news yesterday that Thang Sam died in the early hours of Thursday morning. As many of you know he has fought a brave battle against cancer for the last year or so. Thang has been an important and very popular member of Risk IT for as long as I can remember. In 2006 he agreed to move from his management role on Insight in London to head up the Credit Risk IT deployment in Singapore. It was during his time in Singapore that he was diagnosed with liver cancer. He was very brave indeed in the face of this news and carried on working for a long time whilst undergoing treatment. Eventually however in mid 2007, he had to return to UK to go on long term disability. He leaves a wife and two young children."

I was immediately down spirited for the whole morning. I pray that in God's sovereignity, might he be saved and may his family be preserved and guided by our all powerful all loving God.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Writing Down

Surprise, surprise...

"CS has written $2.85 billion off the value of its asset-backed investments and found mismarking and pricing errors on its books, it revealed on Tuesday, sending its shares plummeting."

It was first Julius Bear, then Merill Lynch, then Citi...and sub prime blood was soon all over markets. But the thing that pissed me off is not that CS is writing off a loss, the thing that pissed me off was the timing it did that.

Time and again it reported that '07 3rd quarter, 4th quarter had earnings despite writing downs (of which are not so big a magnitude). And it had to wait till 1st quarter to announce the big bath write down.

Surely it would have its balance sheet tidied up way back in '07 right? I mean where's the integrity of the company? Why wait till now for this big write down?

Whoever is being this decision, reputation has indeed fell deep down in the pit. Let's wait till the next can of worms pops up.

Sorry about my ranting, but I am really quite disappointed about the integrity of the company here...which I always thought was respectable.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Chinese New Year (status: married)

Hey, just got back from home after watching 881, the singapore made film on getais.
Today is the first year of the chinese new year, went to bedok shop, then went to 3rd grand aunt and 4th grand aunt and finally to Cat's house. This is also the first new year where i start giving hongbaos.
Whoa, its seriously big losses man, people stop giving me hongbaos and I start giving them out. Cash Out no cash in. haha...the only way to counteract this is of coz...haha..u know

Talking about 881, for most parts of the show, its actually quite fun, watching the hokkien songs and superb act by Mindy Ong and Yeo Yann Yann. But it was really sad at the last scene, with her life slowly disappearing due to cancer. It was particular sad knowing that Mindy knew that life was coming to an end, but she was doing all she can to live her life to the fullest.
The show overall was kinda boring, but Mindy's role kinda touched me, and to really appreciate that to live the fullest with hope, we have to live in Christ.

Also just got back from having a tour with Cat over the Compassvale Beacon site. The site where we got a queue number of 399 for 540 4-room flats. The flat is situated in an established area, v. near Sengkang Sec. sch. Transport wise it would be taking an mrt from Ranggung LRT then to Sengkang MRT. Well, not to sure whether to take that up yet, but will wait for the HDB call up to finally decide.

A month ago, our house is bustling with relatives from all over and excited about our wedding. We ourselves were excited about preparing to go to New Zealand. A month on, excitement is still there, discovering our marriage lives, grappling a foothold over it..haha..mum's back, but sis is back to NY, coming back in May(hopefully). Also, have to pay more attention to grandparents, for their health is deteriorating slightly. Hmmm..must come back home earlier!

Also started initial study prep for cfa 2, having a break from sun sch teaching this wk, catching up with work, looking with intent interest at the world's development, firms' losing money, central banks cutting interest rates, microsoft over yahoo, Jerome Keriel wanting to drag SocGen down...well haha...this blog is really about me ranting rite?! ahah..

Oh frens coming over on sun to have lunch. Also a simple way of thanking them for their help during my wedding. ALso glad to have the long weekend being able to spend with family.

Thank God for everything!