Monday, February 25, 2008

Good bye Sam

When I first joined CS, a british accented chinese sat near me. Becoz I sat near him, I always got to hear him speak. And it was really fascinating, to see a chinese speak in perfect british accent. He was of vietnam accent but guess his family moved over to London. Not only was it nice to hear him speak, but as he handled issues, management of projs, it was quite an experience to witness all that.

I do not know him personally and never got a chance to speak to him. It was just me observing him from far. A month or so later, i moved to another location and thus was the end of our close proximity.

Today I received a mail ,

"I was told the sad news yesterday that Thang Sam died in the early hours of Thursday morning. As many of you know he has fought a brave battle against cancer for the last year or so. Thang has been an important and very popular member of Risk IT for as long as I can remember. In 2006 he agreed to move from his management role on Insight in London to head up the Credit Risk IT deployment in Singapore. It was during his time in Singapore that he was diagnosed with liver cancer. He was very brave indeed in the face of this news and carried on working for a long time whilst undergoing treatment. Eventually however in mid 2007, he had to return to UK to go on long term disability. He leaves a wife and two young children."

I was immediately down spirited for the whole morning. I pray that in God's sovereignity, might he be saved and may his family be preserved and guided by our all powerful all loving God.

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