Sunday, February 08, 2009

Caleb's arrival

Finally, on the 3rd of February 2009, at 1815 hrs, Caleb was brought into this world.

Peixuan was induced on Sunday, and it was a long and terrifying wait for dilation to happen as we really didn't want her to go through C-section as her fibroids ran the risk of her losing too much blood.

Thank God that after 2 days, it dilated and it was time to push. Gynae's recommendation earlier was that she try natural delivery as the fibroids are not obstructing baby's path out. And it was indeed! Her delivery actually only took 1/2 hrs! Also thanks to Mummy's super determination and pelvic muscle and strength that she pushed and pushed and pushed and Caleb came out!

When I saw Caleb for the very first time, i was in total awe. We are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made by God! There must be an intelligent designer these wonders and He is to be praised! Also thanked God that I was involved in the actual delivery, mid wife taking one side, and I taking the other, both of us helping Cat count the pushing breaths, taking a deep breath, breathing slowly...the tips, the reminders. Hubbies, hope you will find the quick tip guide to helping your wife give birth useful.

QUick Tip guide to helping your Wife Give birth

1. If possible, go enrol for antenatal classes, you might say you know already. But it really doesn't harm and gives you the added confidence to support your wife.

2. If contraction pain, ask her to breathe slowly. Appear duhz, but trust me, your reminding will help them (as verified with my wife.)

3. Talk, chit chat, with mid wife, bring some humour in to ease the tension. Must get your wife to relax

4. And err....epidural if wife can't tahan anymore, feels like heaven.

In all, I really thank God for hearing and answering our prayers. Helping Peixuan have a safe delivery. Keeping her and Caleb safe. Caleb growing well to today. Faith in Him really kept us going and facing the next moment in confidence though we may fear.

Thank God for Caleb and Cat.

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