Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Resolution I Pray

Two things I ask of God to grant me in my new role,

1. To love my students just as Christ as loved me. To have the strength to go beyond my duties to help each student grow.
2. At available opportunities, to share Christ's love with students.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Caleb's trip to T3

Originally uploaded by certainan
Been quite a while since we church youths last gathered. Finally, met at T3 food court and then Ya-Kun for a mini-farewell for our bro.
Oh Caleb was there too, with Grandma, haha. He kena over stimulated that day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do your own passport photo

Who wants to do your own free passport photos?
Don't need to go to those photo studios and pay $7 for 4 photos which we keep losing...


Thursday, March 19, 2009


(this post was created wif a baby on my arm whom i am tryin to put to sleep =X)

mar 18 was my last day at cs. it was one of the most unforgettable days ever for me as i received a great farewell frm my colleagues. i thot it was just gonna be a hand shakin plus greeting thing but wat happened was really beyond my expectations!

(ok, luckily mother in law took caleb away so i can type much faster!)

THe sweet guys gave me a super big precious card! And it in had signatures/greetings from my IT team and even the proj mgmt team which of coz i gotta thank Karen for orchestrating this.

Here's the size of it.

Besides that, they gave a big photo collage which consisted of photos taken in my whole duration at CS. Incredibly well done and I heard that they had to put many hrs, collecting photos, arranging photos and getting the photo frame putting it altogether.Of course i had to pose with these wonderful guys with the gifts. Of my team also gave me a team t-shirt!!!
Special thanks to my teammates and also Karen and Cheri for orchestrating these...this is also not to mention the farewell lunches for which i did not post photos over here.

To express my gratitude, treated them for afternoon tea of brownies, rum balls, cakes, biscuits...

Thank you guys. Realli appreciate the efforts and it made it realli a wonderful and memorable departure. Will miss u all.

Monday, March 16, 2009

On the road to Wanaka (9)

On the road to Wanaka (9)
Originally uploaded by certainan

Let the rivers clap their hands, Let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth.
Psalm 98: 7-9

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mummy and Grand Mummy!

Originally uploaded by certainan
I love this comfy breast feeding pillow! I can just snuggle in it. And oh look! Mummy and Granny are beside me! Let's all pose for Daddy to snap from his borrowed D200. A pity daddy still doesn't understand the concept of ISO etc....

Mummy and Caleb!

Originally uploaded by certainan
Both of them making funny poses at Daddy!
And btw, this is a test blog post straight from flickr.

Caleb - My Story

I love mummy! And hmm...why do I look at her so much?
Feel so comfy in grandma's arms!

My cot during my first day in the world in KK.

Oh, I learned how to open both my eyes for the first time!