Monday, April 20, 2009

First Day of Teaching at TP

IT was my first day of teaching at TP today. A fun day starting with class at 10am, engaging the students with numerous real life examples, giving them homework, later in the lunch time going back home to bring Caleb to see the pd for a slight bout of constipation.

It was real fun teaching the students, their excited faces beaming with curiousity and thirst to know what is upcoming for the semester. And hopefully, I responded with the needed energy to quench their thirst.

But what hit me on my first day was when I was walking towards my lab room, I saw a student in a wheelchair doing his homework with his grandmother standing beside him. Both were there at 9.30 waiting for their lesson which starts at 10am.

It was really a heart warming scene. I couldn't concentrate on my teaching task any longer till I could understand them both more. So after connecting my audio visual aids, I went over to ttalk to them. The grandma was a teochew and she had been bringing her grandson, wheel ridden from young to school since primary three. And yet there she was, day in day out, fetching her grandson to school, sitting with him in classes, with love caring for him.

I introduced myself to the boy, and he was there diligently concentrating on his assignment placed on a tabletop on his wheel chair.
It was then that I really had to thank God for whatever troubles I have cannot be compared to them. And also, the kind of love that this grandma demostrated to her grandson reminded me of my own.

May God help me to keep a lookout for them and get to know them better, helping them in needs and in God's love and truth.

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