Sunday, February 28, 2010

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1 Samuel 17

When David bought supplies from Jesse to pass to his brothers at the front lines of the battle against Goliath, his brothers wronged him that he was just wanting to watch and gloat over people being killed.

Oh how discouraged and wronged David would have felt. For he had no such intentions. Yet he knew that his conscience was clear an focused not on being wronged, not being bitter, but focused on the enemy, focused on God. His focus was so strong that he actually went all the way to meet the king, had the conviction that he could defeat the enemy. All this, because he focused on the strength, the glory of God. Not on the wronging brought by man, or the scare of the enemies.

Focus on God, not on man, especially in times of difficulties.

Lessons from 1 samuel 15

Saul was commanded by God through Samuel to destroy everything in the amalekites city for this is God's wrath against them for attacking the israelites in the past.

Saul was to destroy everything. Absolutely everything. But he didn't cause he valued worldly treasures more than obedience to God.

Sin leads to sin. Sin grows. His sin of greed soon led to the sin of lying to God.

Let us value obedience to God more than the fleeting treasures of this world. Let us not let sin have a foot hold lest it grows like yeast does to bread in our lives, leading us in a downward spiral.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Luke 3

Luke 3. chin lien night class. date: 24 feb

The background of the temple ruled by the high priest in john the baptist's time is very corrupt. There were many means of making profits in the temple then, for eg. Selling sacrifices or priestly taxes.

Hence John was raised in the desert to avoid being corrupted by the depraved situation in Jerusalem. A principle is that whenever God's word is, there will be people. Today there are many trying to attract people into the church using worldly attractiveness. Healing, prosperity, attractions. But the true church attracts with truth.

When a church preaches God's word, even a church in far lands will attract people. Like John preaching God's word in the desert. Today when we evangelize, or preach in pulpit, we should be using only God's word and no other.

John preached a baptism of repentAnce. People hated Jesus not only because he was the son of God, but becUse often Jesus spoiled the means of them making money through the temple meAns.

A church without God's word for a year will have sin growing in members, superstition and empty fillings of the heart. It resulted in john's time when people have a religion without faith. A religion without faith is that one only follows the ritualistic methods, but not observe God's word in the dAily specifics of life. One still enters the casino, gambles, cheats in business.

The second is those who offer sacrifice but not repentance. Their repentAnce is shallow, is false. In our midst, we may have the holy communion, confess sins but still go on sinning.

Third is observing sacraments but the self is not sanctified. Hence, the people needed the messAge of repentance most which is what John preached. They knew only the rituAlistic means but have never heard of the messaGe of repentance.

Man's greatest need is repentance. John rebuked them using brood of vipers. Today many use psychology to gain the favour of man, but not John. John not only preached but also baptized. The Jews knew bAptism as only needed by Gentiles. John's baptism of the Jews signified that the Jews were so depraved like the pagans. John's baptism is different from our baptism. John's baptism is one of repentance. Ours is a baptism into christ's blood. Do we truly know true repentance? It's not just regret. But the knowledge from God that you are a sinner, being sorrowful, needing salvation. 2 cor 7.

The passage from Isaiah tells of someone paving a way for the messiah. Every valley being filled, mountain made low. This refers to the heart man. Needing to be straightened from our evils, malices, deceit. The secret hidden evil things of man.

True repentance is from God. True repentance knows the wrath of God. The seriousness. We have to know that the punishment is serous, eternal suffering. Hence we know that in evangelism, we are not afraid to preach the judgement of hell.

People were coming to John for baptism. But John rebuked them as brood of vipers. John wanted to remind them it's from a true repentant heart that they want to be baptized. Not the same ritualistic heart that just wants baptism.

A hundred baptisms us useless if you did not repent. A serpent escapes the fastest when there us a fire. This is used to described to the false believers then. Let us not treat that baptism is just a means of salvation. But bear the fruits of repentance.

Let us be baptized because of us knowing that we are sinners needing salvation. Many disappear after baptised. Let us not go after ritualistic means of salvation like other religions.

Growing up in a family of Christians does not mean that you are a Christian. We need repentance ourselves. Eg. Eli's family.

Genesis 16

Prayer meeting sermon. pastor tang. 26 feb 2010

Offer the best to God.

May God bless the ministry in yck. Pray For the Workers and the work and the souls.

Pray for a group of youths who were involved in a car accident. These youths attended last year's arise camp.

This reminds us that time and chances are not in our hands. Offer, serve, read the bible, when we have the chance.

Reminds us also to obey our parents.

Pray for the youth who has brain cancer. Serve and love God while we have the chance.

Journey of faith.
Not an easy road. Full of up and downs.

Genesis 16. God credited abram with rigtheousness due to his faith.
Justified by faith.

Between genesis chap 15 and 16, time gap of 10 years. Abram waited for the promise of having an offspring for 10 years.
When will the Lord answer?

Man started to take things into their own hands.

God works in his time. In his time, he raises a person, family, Nation. Jesus mentioned that his time is not up yet while in the wedding at Cana. Jesus walked in God's timing.

When the Lord's time come, are we standing out to answer? The hymn tells us to offer our all.

Hagar bore Ishmael. But this son bought much trouble later on, till today. Things that might seem as grace actually bring trouble.

Hagar means escape. Shameful acts were revealed in gen 16. Shameful acts even happened in the family of the promise. This reminds us not to worship heroes of faith but learn from their rights and wrongs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I love pear!

Eating pear!

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Hello, Caleb here again

Hello all. My name is Caleb and my papa did this photoshopped picture for me. It was his first attempt but I think that it's quite good already. So kudos to him.

I love my papa! But for now I love my mummy more. So I roll around her more when I wake up and beat and squeeZe my papa more.

I forgot to mention, I know how to walk a bit now and identify some sounds. So I am more fun to play with.

Till next time!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


想分享今天在主日学查考约翰一书第四章里的功课, 为什么我们要爱. 一边提醒自己爱人的功课,爱人正确的动机,另一方面勉励朋友们,当我们不想爱的时候,心里充满苦毒的时候,忍要爱。

为什么我们要爱 - 五个理由

1. 因为神是爱。约翰一书4:7-8. 神的本质就是爱。祂一切所做的,审判,怜悯,都是出于爱。因为神是爱,所以我们要爱。

2. 效法神对我们的爱。约翰一书4:9-11。就是祂差祂儿子,为我们死的爱。

3. 彰显神的爱。约翰一书4:12。没有人见过神,但我们爱的时候,人就从我们的身上看见神的爱的彰显。

4. 神会与我们同在。约翰一书4:13-16。我们爱的时候,神会与我们同在。


约翰一书4:19。 “我们爱,因为神先爱我们。”

Blogpost from iPhone.

Trying out this blogging tool in iPhone. Perhaps I will blog more on the go now given this. Haha.

Oh Caleb took his tiny few steps yesterday. And it was quite a few steps. So happy. Everyone was cheering for him as he took each step. I will remember 20022010, the day Caleb took his first steps.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010











Monday, February 15, 2010

The Blessings of Christ

No, this is definitely not the post to be looking for if you are looking out for ‘blessings’ like prosperity, abundance in wealth, climbing the corporate ladder or getting a warm family. These are the blessings as promised by, and there shouldn’t be anything else, proper interpretation of THE BIBLE.

The forgiveness of our sins.
Eph 1:7
7In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace

Eph 1:13
13And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

SUFFICIENT material blessings
Rom 15:27
They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.

Romans 5:1
"We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Thess 1:6
6”You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.”

These are the true blessings of believing in Christ. Why do you not believe?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Luke 2:21-40 Simeon & Anna. The Witnesses of Christ

Luke Chapter 2
V23 every first born is to be consecrated to God. Mary knew Jesus belonged to God. The messiah, the savior.
V24 offering sacrifice, a pair of doves or pigeon. Some like Mary and Joseph were not wealthy, thus could only afford pigeons instead of bulls or sheeps.

The Witnessing of Simeon.
V25-35 Simeon, bearing witness for Jesus. He was righteous and devout. Waiting for the consolation of Israel. He knew Jesus was the savior, even though Jesus was just a child. Simeon believed in faith.

V29-32 Simeon’s Song of deliverance.
V29" you have now dismiss your servant in peace."
Simeon knew Jesus was the savior of all people.

Qn: are we worthy of dying on the cross if we are willing?
No. A lamb sacrificed needs to be without blemish. What more the ultimate sacrifice?

V34 many will fall, referring to those who opposed Jesus.
V35 a sword will pierce Mary's own soul referring to the day Jesus is crucified.

We have many similarities with Simeon.

Simeon hope for the  coming of the savior. We hope for the second coming of Jesus. We live a testimony for Jesus. Simeon lived righteously and devoutly. Both have the holy spirit upon. By the moving of the holy spirit, we preach, we bear testimony, we offer. both are servants who serve. Do not be an idle person in church. Serve. Both have spiritual hindsight. Seeing value in spiritual things. The more we rely on the grace of God to live, the more we see the spiritual value of things. Simeon whole life was focused on praising God. He was satisfied just seeing God.

Qn: are we satisfied just by seeing God?
A Christian's joy resides sufficiently just by desiring God.

V29 dismiss in peace. When it's time for us to live, let us be dismissed in peace. To leave this world in peace. But while we on the earth, let us work for God.

The witness of Anna. V36-38

Qn: why do we want to live a long life?
To be of good use like Anna.

V38 she spoke about the child to ALL.

How do we measure the value of someone's life? Working hours? Achievements? Joy? Exciting?
If by these measurements, Anna seems to lead a boring life. Day and night in the temple.
She meet with suffering 7 years after her marriage. She could have bitterness in her heart. But let us know that there could have sufferings, but not bitterness. Bitterness is pessimistic, extreme, repeated thinking about a bad thing that happened. Let us pray that we would not have bitterness.

Anna's hope was in heaven.
She was lacking but she did not have any regret.

To summarize her life with one word, service. She lived Alice of value. When you are convicted to serve God, you will live a life of value. No matter what age you are, we can testify about this child.
Jesus had the witness of Anna and Simeon. But what did he witness about himself? The way, the truth, the life.

V40 described the growth of Jesus to 12 years old. He grew. He was a normal child with no supernatural gifts. There is no mention of his growing years because he was a normal child. Do not take into account recordings outside the bible.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Luke 2 – The Birth of Christ

Recorded on 3rd Feb 2010 from Chin Lien Bible Seminary night class spoken by Rev Teo Kiak Hock.

Question: Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem?
Because it was the town of David.
Because it was the town of bread and Jesus is the bread of life.

Question: why was Jesus born in a manger?
He came Unto earth, and made nothing of himself.

Question: why did the angels appeared to the shepherds instead of anyone else?
They could have appeared to the Sadducees, Romans or other important people. But they appeared to the shepherds because God often works in a way contrary to the world. He doesn't use the wises, most intelligent, or the richest. This is evident in the salvation of the Greeks due to the Jews rejecting Him.

Another reason is because all the sheeps under the shepherds are used for offering as a sacrifice. Each sacrifice requires millions of sheeps. The greatest sacrificial lamb is Christ. Hence the shepherds have to know of this lamb.

Third reason why angels appeared to the shepherds is because Christ came to be our shepherd.

In verse 9, the glory of God shone with the angels. It's important that he glory of God shines with the church. The glory of God shone with Moses and dwelt with the temple. The church is just a empty shell if the glory of God is not present.
The glory of God left the temple 2400 years ago when it departed from the temple as mentioned in Ezekiel 11. But on this night, the glory of God shone with the angels. We ought to greatly give thanks for this. What child is this that such a phenomenon? Remember the hymn. This child is a saviour.

Today we have forgotten the meaning of saviour. It is actually a great word. Today, we don't preach Christ as the saviour but him as the giver of peace, prosperity, as a fulfillment, as healing or just something good. What a pity. How would those who remain sick, poor feel? That God does not love them?

Without Jesus, you sill can gain wealth, health, fulfillment, family togetherness. But Jesus came to give something no other can. The redeemer of our sins. The saviour of our sins. To pay the price of our sins. Have you believed in the wrong Jesus? We ought to stand before the great white throne of judgment. But thanks be to God for Jesus has SAVED us. This child is our saviour.

Qn: should we celebrate Christmas since it's a pagan day of celebration?
There is no absolutes for this. We do not have to be argumentative about the date itself. What's important is that we remember the birth of our saviour. Many people today also do not know that 25th of dec is a pagan date of celebration.

Verse 12. You will find a baby wrapped in cloth, lying in a manger. V13. Suddenly, there appeared a legion of angels. This  is a separate appearing of the first angel that appeared to the shepherds first. How many angels were there? From Micah, from revelation 4, 5, we can infer that there were millions of angels in that appearing. Why did the Angela appear? The angels have seen the second person of God before in the heavens. The angels seeks the secret of salvation too. This great saviour, from the glory of heaven, now willing to come into earth. Hence just like the angels glorifying God, we have to glorify Him.

V14. And peace be unto man. This peace refers to the peace between God and man. Not the world peace that we often think or the peace during Chinese new year.
Seeing the angels worship God, the more we man the recipients of grace, ought to worship!

Can you imagine the fellowship between Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Zechariah, Elizabeth when they met at the manger? They would witness, share with one another the great experiences they had. This is like us sharing the gospel because we are excited with the great news!

V20. The shepherd left and gave glory and praises to God. They went back to shepherd. Went back to the same work. But the attitude is different. Now they had seen the Lord. Christ was with them. Praising God is linked to having the correct theology. He shepherds received the correct theology and thus were Able to praise the Lord.

The progression of the shepherd were they heard, they believed, they obeyed, they praised. They gave thanks.

Now Mary would have thought how to raise the saviour of man? So many difficulties for her. Hence she had to deeply ponder over it. V19.

In the next portion of verses, Luke had some witnesses to testify to his writings. Mary, Simeon, Ana, Joseph the righteous one. It was extremely difficult to find a righteous person during that time of the Pharisees, saducceess. Yet Joseph was one. Recall that there were only 120 believers who gathered as mentioned in acts 2 after the resurrection of Christ. Few are the righteous during that time. What about now? Are we one of them?