Thursday, February 11, 2010

Luke 2:21-40 Simeon & Anna. The Witnesses of Christ

Luke Chapter 2
V23 every first born is to be consecrated to God. Mary knew Jesus belonged to God. The messiah, the savior.
V24 offering sacrifice, a pair of doves or pigeon. Some like Mary and Joseph were not wealthy, thus could only afford pigeons instead of bulls or sheeps.

The Witnessing of Simeon.
V25-35 Simeon, bearing witness for Jesus. He was righteous and devout. Waiting for the consolation of Israel. He knew Jesus was the savior, even though Jesus was just a child. Simeon believed in faith.

V29-32 Simeon’s Song of deliverance.
V29" you have now dismiss your servant in peace."
Simeon knew Jesus was the savior of all people.

Qn: are we worthy of dying on the cross if we are willing?
No. A lamb sacrificed needs to be without blemish. What more the ultimate sacrifice?

V34 many will fall, referring to those who opposed Jesus.
V35 a sword will pierce Mary's own soul referring to the day Jesus is crucified.

We have many similarities with Simeon.

Simeon hope for the  coming of the savior. We hope for the second coming of Jesus. We live a testimony for Jesus. Simeon lived righteously and devoutly. Both have the holy spirit upon. By the moving of the holy spirit, we preach, we bear testimony, we offer. both are servants who serve. Do not be an idle person in church. Serve. Both have spiritual hindsight. Seeing value in spiritual things. The more we rely on the grace of God to live, the more we see the spiritual value of things. Simeon whole life was focused on praising God. He was satisfied just seeing God.

Qn: are we satisfied just by seeing God?
A Christian's joy resides sufficiently just by desiring God.

V29 dismiss in peace. When it's time for us to live, let us be dismissed in peace. To leave this world in peace. But while we on the earth, let us work for God.

The witness of Anna. V36-38

Qn: why do we want to live a long life?
To be of good use like Anna.

V38 she spoke about the child to ALL.

How do we measure the value of someone's life? Working hours? Achievements? Joy? Exciting?
If by these measurements, Anna seems to lead a boring life. Day and night in the temple.
She meet with suffering 7 years after her marriage. She could have bitterness in her heart. But let us know that there could have sufferings, but not bitterness. Bitterness is pessimistic, extreme, repeated thinking about a bad thing that happened. Let us pray that we would not have bitterness.

Anna's hope was in heaven.
She was lacking but she did not have any regret.

To summarize her life with one word, service. She lived Alice of value. When you are convicted to serve God, you will live a life of value. No matter what age you are, we can testify about this child.
Jesus had the witness of Anna and Simeon. But what did he witness about himself? The way, the truth, the life.

V40 described the growth of Jesus to 12 years old. He grew. He was a normal child with no supernatural gifts. There is no mention of his growing years because he was a normal child. Do not take into account recordings outside the bible.

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