Monday, May 24, 2010

Gospel Sunday Message

Many things around us will change. Physical environments, Economical environments, Social environments, they all change. Only one thing doesn’t. God’s love towards us has never changed. His truth has never changed. Since the beginning of time till now, and from now till eternally, this will not changed.

God’s love for us was shown most wonderfully yet tragically, two thousand years ago, when His son had to die by the most tragic and cruel means of execution then, Crucifixion on the cross during the times of the Roman Empire.

Yet now, the cross is worn proudly on necklaces, shown on ambulances, the least to mention a few. Why? Would you hang an electric chair, or hanging gallow around your neck or adore it on a vehicle or building? Then why this adoration and recognition of the cross all over the world throughout history?

This was because the cross manifested the love of God. On the cross, our sins were nailed to the cross, cleansed, forgiven, by the blood of Christ.

From the cross, Christ spoke words of grace. One of His last words referring to the multitudes whom has just earlier called for his execution were, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And by the blood He shed, indeed our Father has forgiven us of our wrong-doings, our sins.

When it comes to belief in God, people often take a cynical eye towards Christ. Yet so many embrace money as their belief. As their God. Believing in money. Or perhaps, just believing in one’s self. Yet when it comes to the last moments of one’s life, does believing in money or believing in your yourself, your achievements, your legacy help? Does the best luxuries help in easing the fear and loneliness of death?

Only words of grace as spoken by Christ can truly comfort. He told the robber was today and thereafter, the robber will be with Him in paradise. Now the robber was in the eyes of the roman law, an evil person, a thief, a murderer. Yet he believed in Christ, hanging beside him. And because of his faith, he was given the assurance of heaven by our Lord. He was comforted by Jesus’s words of grace and hope. This is the only thing that can truly comfort, the assurance of heaven.

If we are truly honest with ourselves, we know that deep in our hearts we search for a god. Animals do not do that. But man does. We do. We search for God in our hearts. And in our hearts, we know that we are unworthy people too. Sinners. Would you be willing to show a DVD containing all your thoughts, the things you said, the things you did, the things you saw, to anyone else?

In the limited eyes of the government, our family, we may be seen as good citizens, or good children. But what after before the unlimiting eyes of God?

All men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Only Jesus can save us. He invites us to the true and living way to God. If only we would accept His invitation.

God searches for man to save him and love him. He has been doing that since the creation of the first man. He searched for Adam the moment he fall into sin in eating the forbidden fruit. Yet, He searches for man not to judge him, but to save him. Only when man refuses this salvation, does God in His righteousness judge man when the wrath of God is terribly and regretfully unleashed unto the sinner whose sins have not been cleansed.

God searches for God saves, for God loves. He has prepared the path of salvation since the creation of the world. The path of salvation through Christ. For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son to the world, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Christ died for us on the cross. Before His last breath, He said, “It is finished.” The saving path to God is opened.

Do not carry your own burden of sin. Leave it upon Christ. Follow Him.

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