Thursday, July 14, 2011

Marks of a Good Pastor

A Good Pastor in the Pulpit.

1. The bible is his foundation, his centre.

2. A good pastor fades in the background and exalts Christ. He is an ambassador of Christ and not of himself.

3. A good pastor speaks with authority, not with suggestion, not for entertainment. He is under divine authority to be under the authority of the Word and to be an out channel of that authority.

4. A good pastor does not lord over the congregation, but serves the congregation.

5. A good pastor speaks with balance. Both what's true and to warn of what's not true. He preaches both the positive to pursue, and the negative to avoid. He does these to protect the flock.  Titus 1:9, "exhort in sound doctrine and refutation of those who contradict."

The Pastor and his People

1. A good pastor has a personal relationship with his flock. He loves them and that's why he protects them. He is called to ministry, not to elevate himself, but to love and protect the flock. People are the reason for a pastor.

2. A good pastor affirms his flock. He encourages them with God's presence in their difficulty.

3. A good pastor expresses aspirations for his flock. He expresses how his flock should pursue spiritual maturity. He expresses that his flock not pursue wealth and health that suits the carnal desires, but promotes joy, holiness and the assurance of eternal life rather than temporal carnal desires.

To the People.

1. Appreciate a good pastor.

2. A good pastor is a gift from God.


Chia Sheng said...


certainan said...


God be with you in France.