Friday, April 20, 2012

Reading the Bible

Reading the bible is a basic yet so important thing that a Christian has to do. Psalms 1:2 tells us that it is a source of blessing. Blessed are those who meditate on the words of the Lord day and night.

Psalm 119:105 tells us that its the light that shines forth and guides our path during times of darkness and uncertainty.

We need to read the bible to know God and His commandments for us. Its the source of our blessing, to be able to obey His commands for us as our highest standard of life, and through that, enjoy peace, hope and love in our lives.

Its also our shield against evil and temptations. With the understanding of His word, we need not tread unnecessary futile paths. We need not fall into the crevasses of ours and others' sin.

Read the bible daily. Read it often. Read it with understanding. Read it with application to our lives. Its a blessing.

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