Thursday, September 08, 2011

Ephesians 4:17-19 Be sensitive to the sin of sexual immorality

Eph 4:18-19 "They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, …"

Paul uses the imaginary of hearts being harden, and losing all senses. When your skin is hardened, you cannot feel softness, hot, cold. You cannot feel pain. You cannot detect something that is hurting you. In the hardened heart, it cannot detect something that is injuring it. It has lost its senses. And because of this, it is not aware that 
it is hurting itself but continues to indulge in things that are harmful to it.

The world does not realize that the sexual images shown everywhere, from tvs, billboards, advertisements, magazines, are hurting itself. Yet, the world craves for it. The magnitude of fornication increases as the world gets deeper and deeper into it. The world does not realize that the number of molest cases, the number of paedophiles, the number of women raped, increase in correlation to the number of sexual images shown in public and in the media. 

Man does not realize this as they have hardened their hearts, they have lost all sensitivity, because they want to indulge in it. It is poison to oneself and others. It hurts oneself because you cannot see man/woman respectfully but instead see them as objects of sex. It hurts others because they are the victims of sexual predation.

Be sensitive to sexual immorality. Flee from it. Do not be curious after it. Do not google it. Be a Joseph, not a David. Flee, run. Engage in things profitable to you that you are not left with idle time for the tempter.

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