Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eph 6:10-20 Putting on the Whole Armour of God

Eph 6:10-20 Putting on the Whole Armour of God

Paul commands us to be strong in the Lord by putting on His armour (v10).  This is for the purpose of standing firm against the schemes of the devils (v11-12). To stand firm means to resist when evil and temptation surrounds us (v13). The analogy that Paul uses is that of a warrior preparing himself for battle. We are spiritual warriors preparing ourselves a battle against the forces of wickedness.

Too often we are comfortable Christians, refusing to stand up for biblical truths in daily living. We refuse to stand up to errors. We refuse to confront wickedness.  We refuse to put on the armor and go to the front lines. We stay at the back, turn our backs on the battle, and refuse to pay a price that involves going to battle. We just want to lead a comfortable Christian life. If you refuse to preach the gospel, you may lead a comfortable live for no one will criticize you, for thinking that you are weird, for thinking you are too arrogant, claiming that Christ is the only way. If you refuse to stand up for Christian principles, you will not invite controversy, for things like homosexuality, gambling, pre-marital sex are just relative choices. You may have a few good years of sleep. But only temporarily, before you have to stand before God and give an account of your actions, or inactions.

We are commanded to put on the armor of God to go to war. This is not a vain war where the struggle is just against nations, but rather, this war is purposeful. It is intended by God, for His glory, to battle against the forces of wickedness. It is a war worth fighting. We are to battle against falseness, against sin, against unrighteousness, and to bring the gospel truth forth. Putting on the armour conveys permanence, indicating a lifelong putting on of the armor. Armor is continually wore on in battle.

When waves of confusion hit us, we are to remain standing firm. When waves of and ridicule and persecution hit us, we are to remain standing firm. When waves of discouragement hit us, we are to remain standing firm.

We stand firm
  • ·         by girding our loins with truth
  • ·         putting on the breastplates of righteousness
  • ·         shodding our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
  • ·         Taking up the shield of faith against flaming arrows of the devil
  • ·         Taking the helmet of salvation
  • ·         Having the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
  • ·         By praying at all times in the Spirit, being alert with all perseverance and petitioning for all the saints to preach the gospel with boldness

To summarize, we remain standing firm by embracing the Word of God hence being alert to falseness, by preaching the truth gospel, by having faith that God will prevail, by prayer for saints to preach boldly.

How should we response? Obedience to put on the armor. Continually put on the armor. Familiarity in the armor. Alertness in the armor. If we fall asleep while in battle, quickly resume your positions.

Put on the armor today. Now let’s identify what are the schemes of the devil that we face today? 

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