Tuesday, May 30, 2006

First 2 wks at CS, now in Reservist

Job 33: 14 For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though man may not perceive it.

Hello. Having done my first 2 wks at CS, i am now in reservist. Staying out tonite which means that i can do a blog entry now. haha

First 2 wks at CS is training, familiarising, learning how to make code changes mainly. Not very interesting ya...well i guess its like dat, we can't ask for exciting stuff to come by our way always. But hope that i can really cope with my work and make my team mates appreciate my ability.

Currently in reservist. A bit sian, facing back to army life, a big cultural change, dealing with different people, different kinds of stress. But i think its really good exposure and from it, good can come out of it. I just have to extract the goodness out of it. Well, 3 more days to go only, chop chop, should be finished in a split second and then of coz back to CS =).

Cheers, Jason

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Da Vinci Code :: Please discern fact from fiction

Just too many facts fused with fiction that one unaware of the truths might believe and mistake it for real. In short, the story is blasphemy. The riddles and encryption puzzles are ok. Story is gripping and exciting. Story telling is top notch. But not the content in the secrecy of the book.

Jesus is the Son of God, who came to this world as a man, and died on the cross for our sins that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal ever-lasting life FULLSTOP.

Feel free to contact me ya, for discussions abt the book/movie. Discern fact from fiction. =)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

drip by drip till the cup overflows

Proverbs 2: 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

2nd day of work. Went over to The Signature at CBP. For those unaware, CBP (Changi Business Park) is like a mini silicon valley. Nice futuristic looking buildings and fountains all over, just like silicon valley in the movies lol.
Got to know more of the people whom i went training with. Training gonna last a wk.

Got back home at 7, decided to give my aunt a call and ask how's cousin doing. Not so good. Failed 2 of her exams.

But dear, I believe one day, your eyes, heart and mind will just "open". It is then that you finally realize the things that you gotta do in life. One half being studying hard, working hard to achieve your dreams. The other half, being character building of which God comes in and influences so greatly. I will pray for you both everyday, for that day to come. Not a sudden coming, but drip by drip till the cup overflows.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back from KL/Genting trip :: Start work

Matt 14:16"Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. 17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "

Back from KL/Genting trip with Stan, Ong and Boon my JC buddies. It was fun! All guy group, mischeivous, loud, noisy, rude, hahaha....and of coz fun. Genting sure changed alot.
Well, holidays are over. And today i just had my first day of work.

May God preserve me in this job.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Jay Chou piano

Very nice piano playing from Jay Chou!

A message of encouragement from 1 Corinthians

A message of encouragement from 1 Corinthians.

1 Cor chapter 4
Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of people's hearts. At that time each will receive their praise from God.

Remind myself.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sun May 7th 2006

As usual, went to pick Cherie up early in the morning and after that zoomed to church. Gave Sun sch lesson in ppt. It realli enchances my teaching and i findi it a good tool to use. Well, "teaching to change lives" tells us to make us of the best available tools to teach. And these tools are not restricted to ppt, paper, or anything we associate with teaching, it can be something totally outrageous u know, let your creativity flow.

So, taught about Acts 17, going on 18. For more info about the materials taught, you might wanna email me. I could send you my slides. =) Pray that God will give me the strength to persevere in teaching though i will be working soon. Teaching realli forces me to think in depth about the Word which is lacking in non-teaching bros/sis. Its not just a skim the surface thing but to dwell into it,
O.I.A, Observe,Interpret,Application.

Pr. LL spoke about the 10 commandments, Honouring one's father and mother. After that we all went to lunch together which was in a reasonably good restaurant. And so embarrassing that pr. LL footed the bill! Tried to snatch it from her, but... ;p

Spent the rest of the day fetching Cat's family and spending time with her. Time nowadays seems so precious. Its really hard to find time together. One thing is the travelling distance i cannot deny. While it can onli be solved by...

Fetched her home...played DOTA. heheh DOTA!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Dear Singapore has her set of Ministers

Yup. Election results are out and parliament has been decided. The past one week has really been an eye-opener one for me. Why? Its the first time i am voting and because of this, i feel really concerned that i have to listen attentively to what the parties have to say and from that, make a decision. Its realyy my first elections when i wait eagerly for the morning papers to arrive and read up on all the juicy political news.

Some of my friends share the exact same sentiments as me. This weeks a pity is not gonna come by again for another 5 years. =( Well, it all felt good. The crowded rallies, juicy political news, arrows fired at one another... the mood was realli there. It was indeed election fever.

My experiences at the rally were a mixed. Crowded, muddy ground, Uncles everywhere, but the mood was quite uplifting, like a malaysia cup final like dat. Everytime a speaker said someting, people all cheered. And yes, there were almost 10 times more people at opp. rallies than at P rallies. Well, all good things have to come to an end. I support our PM. He realli leaves a lasting impression on me, articulate, kind, brave, friendly, smart... really deserves to be a PM and just because of nepotism. Well, dun wanna go too much into that. Jat...Next Entry!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

finally signed my contract

Thank God, finally signed my contract. Looking forward to work. =) (for now...)
Did medical checkup, some administrative stuff, and yea..all set to start work!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Case for a Creator :: Theory of evolution

Currently reading a book titled "The case for a creator". Planned to give it to a friend, but the contents are just too interesting that i cannot resist and had to pick it up and read for myself. Indeed, the book's fascinating. Here's a short summary from me.

The book presents the case for a creator, which would be God. From until where i have read now, its current theme is in disproving Darwinism. which is the theory of Evolution. While actually using the word disprove is not really correct too since Darwinism has not been proved too but let's just bear with the language.

Why would disproving Darwinism point to a creator? Suppose Darwinism is true, then there would not be a need for a creator. There is simply no need for guidance and design in the evolution of living things. It simply takes away the need for a creator. Of course one can say that Darwinism and a creator could come in hand in hand, ie perhaps Darwin theory is indeed a tool used by a creator for the creation of this world. However, the chaotic and messiness involved in Darwinism simply refutes this. And remember here, we are assuming that Darwinism is true. The book goes on to list down strong evidential points that Darwinism is not supported.

Just by the no. of sheer counter egs, Darwinism is already disproved. The stands used in the book are indeed convincing. The book is really an interesting read. Perhaps i would give a book review in YF. =) Welcome all to engage in lively and friendly comment.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Election fever

In case you are unaware, blogs commenting on the political scene have to be registered. But i doubt many of such blogs actually do tt. And anyway, i am not commenting on any political issue. The battle of the war of words is really quite intriguing/entertaining. All the different parties, the different characters, different strategies, so exciting. So much so that Cat is calling me an uncle for being so interested in politics.

Btw, exams are over. NLP was a killer. Hope that i can just pass and grad, so as not to break the clause of not graduating! But for now, enjoy life first for these 2 wks and then start work.

Mayday! Went to church early in the morning for a course on Philosophy and how it impacts post-modernism and the Church. Speaker was really good and full of resources.

Today's students are much too centered around being technically inclined. A whole vacuum of knowledge in philosophy is created. Philosophy in short is the love for knowledge. Its really describing people, thinking in depth abt a subject, always passionate to question and not take things at surface.