Tuesday, May 30, 2006

First 2 wks at CS, now in Reservist

Job 33: 14 For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though man may not perceive it.

Hello. Having done my first 2 wks at CS, i am now in reservist. Staying out tonite which means that i can do a blog entry now. haha

First 2 wks at CS is training, familiarising, learning how to make code changes mainly. Not very interesting ya...well i guess its like dat, we can't ask for exciting stuff to come by our way always. But hope that i can really cope with my work and make my team mates appreciate my ability.

Currently in reservist. A bit sian, facing back to army life, a big cultural change, dealing with different people, different kinds of stress. But i think its really good exposure and from it, good can come out of it. I just have to extract the goodness out of it. Well, 3 more days to go only, chop chop, should be finished in a split second and then of coz back to CS =).

Cheers, Jason

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