Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sep 11

ohh…Caleb is now at Sembawang. But he is coping well there and mummy and papa still visit him at night, so its ok. We will fetch you back on thurs nite ok? So its not too long that you will be away from us. One week 4 out of 3 nights you are with us =).

Other than that, the sep 11 anniversary just past a few days ago. As we watch new footages of the planes crashing into the towers, renewed memories of those terrifying scenes kept flashing through our minds. In a fallen world, with the depraved minds of man, in the name of false ideological gods, all immorality is put aside. Now which religion would condone such an evil act? The very taking away of numerous lives?

Let us have a sound mind, that we know the truth and goodness of a loving God, whose wrath on sin did not fall on those who have repented and believed in Christ, but on Christ himself, on the cross, and those who have rejected him. With a sound mind, we read, understand the Word of God, the bible, and there is no way you can get a hinge of a meaning that you ought to self-sacrifice and destroy another religion with violence and oppression.

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