Wednesday, December 30, 2009

人 种 的 是 甚 麽 , 收 的 也 是 甚 麽 。



刊物的主题是来自加拉太書 6:7-8 的经文
”人 种 的 是 甚 麽 , 收 的 也 是 甚 麽 。顺 着 情 欲 撒 种 的 , 必 从 情 欲 收 败 坏 ; 顺 着 圣 灵 撒 种 的 , 必 从 圣 灵 收 永 生 。”




愿我们“顺 着 圣 灵 撒 种 的 , 必 从 圣 灵 收 永 生”。撒种属灵的种子,必收的是上帝的同在,恩典,怜悯,今生接圣灵的果子。影响人归主。

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giving Thanks

Plenty of stuff to give thanks for in 2009. Items are listed in no order of priority.

1. Peixuan's safe delivery and Caleb's well growth

2. Transition to a new job

3. Able to type this mail at the year end with the breathe of life!

4. Service in church in the Xian House Mgmt Committee, teaching sun sch, singing in choir, translation, serving in youth fellowship with the wonderful committee members, the chance to witness to people at East Coast and at Senai

5. Gong gong's deliverance from his illness and his more openness to faith in God

6. Ma ma's great food day in day out

7. There are many more items to give thanks for. Both big and small but these are the major ones. 

May God always grant me a heart to always give thanks to Him in season and out of season. Even in difficulties, may God give me a heart to give thanks to Him. To count the many blessings around me, to not let me compare with others, but to look upon Him. God rejoices in a thankful heart.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Many like to use the phrase ‘Change is constant’. Well, yea, i guess that applies to my blog but of course not applying to the things of God. Will be changing the layout and look after having the old one for a couple of years now.

The content posted will also differ. I hope that the content posted on my blog will better help people gain an onward step in truth, and an acknowledgement to God’s grace. Well occasionally some ‘light’ stuff will be posted. =)

So, lookout for this space in 2010. Good bye 2009.

Can one just be a believer and not a disciple of Christ?

I am just a believer, not a disciple of Christ.

Can one just be a believer and not a disciple of Christ? In other words, can I just be a level 1 Christian who has once acknowledged Jesus as my saviour but do not really commit my life to Him? I live the way I want, I go to church once in a while, or perhaps on some occasions, even manage to attend multiple services in a week especially during times like Christmas and Good Friday where you know that you just have to get into the 'mood'.

I carry on living the way I want, unfortunately committing the sins that I have always done, but hey I can always just recall back to the moment, where I acknowledged Christ as Saviour. Well don't they always say that once saved always saved?

Who are the disciples of Christ? The disciples or 'level 2' christians are the ones who really heed God's commands to bear the cost of being a disciple, bearing the cross, giving up everything for Him. But really these are the preachers, pastors, missionaries and others whom have devoted their whole lives to God and His call to carrying their own cross. I am just a level 1 christian. I am not called to serve full time needless to say serve more than just one sunday service per week! The bible calls two levels of christians, the believers and the disciples. And I am just contented at being a believer. It allows me space to be the hypocrite that I am, living the way I want, commiting the sins i have always done, but yet, just at a convenient time, I confess my sins to Jesus and immediately, my sins are forgiven and I have the blessed assurance of heaven, though my glory might be less than others (which I am fine with). Or so is it?

Does the above describe you? Can one just be a believer and not a disciple of Christ? Can the believer bring out all the theologies, justification by faith, pre-election, once saved always saved and re-assure himself that non-committal living to Christ can still gain him access to one of the heavenly rooms that Jesus has prepared for him?

Why do we reject being a disciple of Christ? Why do we in the first place have this fallen reasoning that there can be two levels of Christians, the believer and the disciple? For one, being a disciple demands on us. But can one really just be a believer? Is being a believer different from being a disciple? Let's look into the bible and see what Jesus says.

We are familiar with the passages stating the cost of discipleship. Jesus states that if anyone wishes to come after him, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow him (Lk 9:23). He states that disciples should be willing to lose their lives for Jesus (Lk 9:24), not to lose their lives while chasing after things of the world (Lk 9:25), not to be ashamed of him and his words (Lk 9:26). Now who exactly is Jesus talking to here? Just a concentrated group of deeply convicted fervent disciples? No. In Mark 8:34-38, the gospel book records a similar passage of the cost of discipleship. Verse 34 records clearly, "Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

Jesus was preaching to the crowd. The masses. The multitudes. Everyone. Jesus is preaching the cost of discipleship to everyone. Not a selected group of 'more fervent' christians.

Another passage reiterates this. Luke 14:25-35 records the teaching of discipleship to large crowds.

25Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Jesus wanted to make true disciples. He never softened his message to majority preferences who are contended just to be believers. Instead, he plainly declared the high cost of discipleship. He made several bold demands that would discourage the half hearted.

Even IF there are indeed distinctions between a level 1 and level 2 christian, didn't Luke 10:27 tells us to love our Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind? With this, how can we not be hypocrites and still say that yes we abide by this but yet we still want to be level 1 christians?

The great commission at the end of the gospel of Matthew tells us to make DISCIPLES of all nations. And what to teach the disciples? That they obey all of Jesus commands (denying oneself, taking up his cross daily etc.). The great commandment for evangelism is to make disciples, not just believers.  

Are we not all Christians? Do you call yourself a Christian? Who are Christians? Take a look at Acts 11:26. "So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch."

Who are Christians? Disciples. 

There is no difference between a believer and disciple. No distinguishing between a level 1 or level 2 christian. Simply said, Believers = Disciples = Christians. Do not let our fallen reasoning control us, but let the bible speak for itself to us, and may the Holy Spirit guides our hearts to accept this truth, to obey as what Jesus commanded. To live as disciples.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Response to Christmas

Dear friends,

As we near Christmas day, we undoubtedly get excited and busy with Christmas gifts, decorations, trees, lights, holidays and parties. And we may have a reason to do so, given this year's economic recession, job losses, climate changes, natural calamities, it may be a good time to just get a breather from all these and enjoy this festive season. Yet amidst all these celebrations, perhaps let's take a moment to consider the bigger questions. Just what about Christmas are we celebrating? Why are we celebrating Christmas? Or is Christmas just another festive season where I am granted a public holiday?

Many might already know what the celebration of Christmas is for. Rightfully, its to remember the birth of Jesus. You might have heard it for many years, from an occasional television programme, book, news article or friend, stranger with a pamphlet. But perhaps we have chucked it aside as just another fantasy story. Or you might have felt, it doesn't concern me now. Or, I already know the story well enough. Or, there isn't any reason for me to respond in anyway. But is that really the case?

The world recently mourned at the death of Brittany Murphy. A young, promising actress whose life unfortunately ended at just 32 years of age. Everything seemed going well for her, movies, dramas in the pipeline yet to be released, but the lure of drugs proved too much for her. 

The opportunity to respond to the real meaning of Christmas might not always be there. By God's mercy and grace, we can tide through year after year. But what if one day our lives were to end, without an appropriate response to Jesus?

Going straight to what Christmas celebration ought to be about is of course, the birth of Jesus. The beloved, the precious, the only son of God, who came from the seat of the glorious throne in heaven, to the dirtiest of places, as a helpless infant, born in a manger in Bethlehem. We celebrate his birth as like the shepherds and magi did, two thousand years ago. And yes, this is the familiar Christmas story that we have come to know, perhaps not in its full detail, but a similar one, perhaps with dramatization of cute animals, cosy haystack, and nice flaky snow. 

But the vital question is, how are we going to respond to the birth of Jesus? Just a holiday celebration, just a get together with friends, just a party, just a 'well-deserved' break from a year's work? OR, can we spare some time to think why was Jesus born into this world?

Why was he born? He was born to die for us. For our iniquities. For our transgressions. For our sins.

If our lives were each recorded in a DVD which records all our every though, sight, action, and this DVD were to be broadcast for all others to see, we would be so ashamed and would do all we can to stop the broadcast. We are ashamed because of our shameful inner thoughts. Ashamed of what we see, lust, desire, covet. How many of us dare we say that we are of a better moral character than the recently exposed Tiger Woods?

Jesus was born to die for us, our sins, that before the righteous God, because of Jesus's blood shed for us on the cross, we are viewed sinless before God. AND because of this, the greatest hope, that of eternity in heaven, lies before us. 

This might not strike you especially if things are going well at the moment. But if one were to lie on the hospital bed in ICU, at the hospice, or that you know that you had only a year to live, you search  for such a hope with all your might.

Forgive me for the harsh tone, friends, but I would rather be exposed to criticism, rebuke, ridicule for the reason of this letter, than to hear a plead from a loved one, a cry from a loved one, pleading and crying from the depths of a place, no man would want to go, the depths of a place so dark, so lonely, so painful, so hopeless, so regretful.

This Christmas, remember, Jesus was born to die for us, that we might live eternally. This is no cheap gospel or grace. He asks for our faith in him, as the one true God. He asks for our repentance from our wrongs. He asks for our acknowledgement of him as Lord of our lives and obedience to his commands. And if we abide so, his grace, mercy, salvation and the peace, hope, joy that comes along with it will fill our lives. This is the meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior. And there is no other.

With love,

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Nativity - A Closer Look

Are we too familiar with the story of Christmas? Cute animals, cozy manger with hay, cute infant, bright star, is that all to it ? Tonight, let's look at it again, with new appreciation, with a renewed understanding, to be reminded as to what it all means, God sent His son, as an infant, for us.

It is a renewed appreciation of how God became man, beginning in the lowest of cirumstances, living through the height of humiliation and ending in the most tragic of endings, all just for us.

Beginning in the Lowest of Circumstances - Before his birth - The controversy – Mary’s pregnancy

Ask yourself a question. Imagine an unwedded female teenager heavy with pregnancy. How would others view her? Probably an unwanted pregnancy. An adultress. As recorded in Mt 1:19 - Mary if charged with adultery would be stoned. But Joseph's mercy did not intend to disgrace Mary and planned to send her away secretly. But

Yes, Jesus arrival was welcomed by the chosen group, the sheperds, but most of the masses might have viewed Mary's birth as shameful.

Imagine instead of a proud pair of parents who can proudly proclaim the joyous news of their child’s birth, we have a pair of parents, the target of ridicule. Instead of an anticipated birth of a baby, we have the ridicule that he might be a child born out of an unwanted pregnancy.

Beginning in the Lowest of Circumstances - Jesus as an infant - They made their way to Bethlehem from Nazareth.

Jesus did not enjoy normal pre-birth parent preparation. eg. nice infant rooms, clothes, diapers, milk powder, a cot, a nice baby room. But rather, his parents had to come down from Nazareth in Galilee, travelling down 130 km on a camel/donkey/by foot to come down to Bethlehem totally UNPREPARED. A mother about to give birth would not tread more than 130 km (now 2-3 hrs by car, then 8-10 days) through mountaineous terrain and a desert. Think about what can happen in the desert? Extreme hot and colds.

In times when parents can proclaim their joyous news of the coming birth of their child, a father has to borne the front of humiliation that this child is not fathered by him.

In times when a mother needs the most protection, she was exposed to the harshest 最苛刻 of desert conditions .

In times when parents needs the most certainty in preparing for birth, (eg. prepared route to birth place, mid wife, post natal care), they were exposed to the most uncertainty. Where am I to get these care services/facilities?? Remeber that there is going to be a crowd in Bethlehem due to the census. and chances are, it would be difficult to get lodging.

Beginning in the Lowest of Circumstances - There was no room for them in the inn

I remembered when my wife was due, I made sure there was a comfortable ward that my wife could gave birth in, that i knew the route to the hospital, that i brought everything in the 'to bring' list, that there was the best of mid wives and doctors to facilitate their delivery.

But for Mary? She had no room in the inn.

There was no best route to delivery Jesus. Joseph and Mary had to knock from inn to inn.

No mid wives/doctors. Mary wrapped baby Jesus herself. Joseph won't probably be of much help if he was like any first time fathers.

In times when a woman in labour needs the most comfort/assurance, she faced the most loneliness. There are many complications that can happen during birth that will scared any woman. I remember i saw woman having to go into labour rooms alone, and that was so pitiful. Mary though had Joseph, didn't had any mid wife thus was even more alone. Not to imagine the darkness in the manger.

Beginning in the Lowest of Circumstances - For baby Jesus when he was finally born?

In times when an infant needed the most care, baby Jesus had only the most basic of care. A manger, not the often misrepresented cushy comfortable wood plank with hay stack, but a feeding trough for animals. Can you imagine how dirty, smelly, needless to say the bacteria?

Beginning in the Lowest of Circumstances -
God became a helpless baby.

Baby Jesus was unable to protect himself. Was totally dependent on his parents. As recorded in Phillipians,2:7 He made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

Beginning in the Lowest of Circumstances
- Jesus as a young child - Target of a ruthless assasination

Jesus with his parents had to flee to Egypt, to escape Herod. Again they had to trek miles across deserts, into a foreign land. Again into a place of uncertainty. Always on the run. No stable place to stay, to pillow over his head. The King of Kings is pursued like a criminal by his creation. The creator pursued by his creation, 

It didn't really end when Herod died. Joseph was warned in a dream to avoid Archelaus, son of Herod, who was still in pursue of Jesus. And Jesus, God who all mountains, lands, seas were created for him, by him, through him, was chased around by earthly lowly kings in his childhood.

The infanticide - It was such a tragic scene. The tears of mothers, fathers, the cries of innocent babies. Who could bear such sight and sound? Weeping for their children, and refusing any comfort. In their hearts, they might be cursing this baby who Herod tried to search. Cursing, this son of God. Thus Jesus might have been continually doubted/hated by others

Now considering the humble circumstances in which Jesus was born, this Christmas, how are we to respond to the birth of Jesus?

The shepherds and magi responded to the infant Jesus. 

Response of the Shepherds - 众 天 使 离 开 他 们 , 升 天 去 了 。 牧 羊 的 人 彼 此 说 : 我 们 往 伯 利 恒 去 , 看 看 所 成 的 事 , 就 是 主 所 指 示 我 们 的 。 他 们 急 忙 去 了 , 就 寻 见 马 利 亚 和 约 瑟

Response of the Magi - 有 几 个 博 士 从 东 方 来 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 说 : 那 生 下 来 作 犹 太 人 之 王 的 在 那 里 ? 我 们 在 东 方 看 见 他 的 星 , 特 来 拜 他 。

We can choose to response in three ways similarly. 

A. Firstly, we can choose to ignore the Savior

Imagine the shepherds had heard of the angels joyous announcement and just carried on their shepherding? The magi had seen the star and just ignored it as a nice sight in the sky?

For us, do we go on just celebrating Christmas just as we have always done, without pursuing what it all really means? If so, we will just be as lost as we always were. By God's grace, He seeked us, but if we choose to jgnore, then, we remain lost. REMAIN in DARKNESS. What does remaining lost mains? Remaining in darkness means? It means that we bringing our sins along with us heading for hell.

What is hell like? The below verses give a vivid description.

Matthew 5:29-30

29 若 是 你 的 右 眼 叫 你 跌 倒 , 就 剜 出 来 丢 掉 , 宁 可 失 去 百 体 中 的 一 体 , 不 叫 全 身 丢 在 地 狱 里 。

30 若 是 右 手 叫 你 跌 倒 , 就 砍 下 来 丢 掉 , 宁 可 失 去 百 体 中 的 一 体 , 不 叫 全 身 下 入 地 狱 。

Matthew 18:9
9 倘 若 你 一 只 眼 叫 你 跌 倒 , 就 把 他 剜 出 来 丢 掉 。 你 只 有 一 只 眼 进 入 永 生 , 强 如 有 两 只 眼 被 丢 在 地 狱 的 火 里 。

Mark 9:43-48

43 倘 若 你 一 只 手 叫 你 跌 倒 , 就 把 他 砍 下 来 ;

44 你 缺 了 肢 体 进 入 永 生 , 强 如 有 两 只 手 落 到 地 狱 , 入 那 不 灭 的 火 里 去 。

45 倘 若 你 一 只 脚 叫 你 跌 倒 , 就 把 他 砍 下 来 ;

46 你 瘸 腿 进 入 永 生 , 强 如 有 两 只 脚 被 丢 在 地 狱 里 。

47 倘 若 你 一 只 眼 叫 你 跌 倒 , 就 去 掉 他 ; 你 只 有 一 只 眼 进 入 神 的 国 , 强 如 有 两 只 眼 被 丢 在 地 狱 里 。

48 在 那 里 , 虫 是 不 死 的 , 火 是 不 灭 的 。

路 加 福 音 16:19-31 (Chinese Union Version (Simplified))

19 有 一 个 财 主 穿 着 紫 色 袍 和 细 麻 布 衣 服 , 天 天 奢 华 宴 乐 。

22 财 主 也 死 了 , 并 且 埋 葬 了 。

23 他 在 阴 间 受 痛 苦 , 

24 就 喊 着 说 : 可 怜 我 罢 !用 指 头 尖 蘸 点 水 , 凉 凉 我 的 舌 头 ; 因 为 我 在 这 火 焰 里 , 极 其 痛 苦 。

25 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 : 儿 阿 , 你 该 回 想 你 生 前 享 过 福 ,你 倒 受 痛 苦 。

26 不 但 这 样 , 并 且 在 你 我 之 间 , 有 深 渊 限 定 , 以 致 人 要 从 这 边 过 到 你 们 那 边 是 不 能 的 ; 要 从 那 边 过 到 我 们 这 边 也 是 不 能 的 。

27 财 主 说 : 我 祖 阿 ! 既 是 这 样 , 求 你 打 发 人 到 我 父 家 去 ;

28 因 为 我 还 有 五 个 弟 兄 , 他 可 以 对 他 们 作 见 证 , 免 得 他 们 也 来 到 这 痛 苦 的 地 方 。

29 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 : 他 们 有 摩 西 和 先 知 的 话 可 以 听 从 。

What does the above verses tell us about hell?
a. That even riches cannot save you from hell if you bear your sins alone.

b. You will be in torment in hell. In agony, in thirst, in fire.

c. That once in hell, you cannot get out. 有 深 渊 限 定, 人 要 从 这 边 过 到 你 们 那 边 是 不 能 的

d. That if we hear the voices of people in hell, they will tell us not to come here! v28

e. That you will be alone in hell…

f. It is for eternity

This is the ultimate result that each one will face if he chooses to ignore the Savior. The shepherd who carries on shepherding, the magi who ignores the cross, us who carries on enjoying the world, working, studying, family...

B. Secondly. What we if we visited infant Jesus, are revived for a few days/week/months, but later forget about the Savior? What if we continue to live unrepentant lives, continue in our lives of sin?

We have to ask ourselves, are we reborn? Is our faith dead? Have we repented? Are we saved in Christ? Or are we just like the the people whom have ignored the Savior but just that we have a surface/superficial acknowledgement of our Savior? Even the devil acknowledge Jesus as the son of God! 

Are we headed for hell thinking that we are headed for heaven? Let's not be the branches thrown into the fire.

5 我 是 葡 萄 树 , 你 们 是 枝 子 。 常 在 我 里 面 的 , 我 也 常 在 他 里 面 , 这 人 就 多 结 果 子 ; 因 为 离 了 我 , 你 们 就 不 能 做 甚 麽 。

6 人 若 不 常 在 我 里 面 , 就 像 枝 子 丢 在 外 面 枯 乾 , 人 拾 起 来 , 扔 在 火 里 烧 了 。

C. Lastly. But what about if we are like the shepherds, magi, bringing gold, precious gifts to the Savior acknowledging him in his full glory. And after that joyous night, eagerly await his growing up, to follow him? To the point where he died unto the cross still we follow where no one else does? No turning back? 

That we know we ought to be on the cross, but instead Jesus is on it for us?

That we know what ought to flow is our blood but instead its Jesus's precious blood?

That he is our Saviour! He is our Lord!

歌 林 多 後 書 5:21

21 神 使 那 无 罪 的 , 替 我 们 成 为 罪 , 好 叫 我 们 在 他 里 面 成 为 神 的 义 。

And because we are seen as right before God, we are assured as having a place in heaven. Where the city and streets are made entirely of gold and precious stones, where there will be no tear, no mourning, no pain but joy, the joy of seeing your loved ones in Christ. 

1. To embrace our him as our Saviour for our sins (see the sinner in us).

If we do not embrace him? Lk 2:34 是 要 叫 以 色 列 中 许 多 人 跌 倒 , 许 多 人 兴 起 ;will cause many to fall and rise. To those who reject him, its fall into the depths of hell.

2. Repent of our sins. Examine our own sins, pride, lust, unwholesome talk, gossip, laziness and refusal to study God's word

3. Tell others of what joyous day Christmas is, a saviour has come.

Think about it. If it were you, can you give up your son?

Why did he have to go through the humblest of circumstances?

Because of his love for us. He love us so much that he did not want any of us to perish in our sins. But to life in Christ.