Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giving Thanks

Plenty of stuff to give thanks for in 2009. Items are listed in no order of priority.

1. Peixuan's safe delivery and Caleb's well growth

2. Transition to a new job

3. Able to type this mail at the year end with the breathe of life!

4. Service in church in the Xian House Mgmt Committee, teaching sun sch, singing in choir, translation, serving in youth fellowship with the wonderful committee members, the chance to witness to people at East Coast and at Senai

5. Gong gong's deliverance from his illness and his more openness to faith in God

6. Ma ma's great food day in day out

7. There are many more items to give thanks for. Both big and small but these are the major ones. 

May God always grant me a heart to always give thanks to Him in season and out of season. Even in difficulties, may God give me a heart to give thanks to Him. To count the many blessings around me, to not let me compare with others, but to look upon Him. God rejoices in a thankful heart.

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