Saturday, December 26, 2009

Can one just be a believer and not a disciple of Christ?

I am just a believer, not a disciple of Christ.

Can one just be a believer and not a disciple of Christ? In other words, can I just be a level 1 Christian who has once acknowledged Jesus as my saviour but do not really commit my life to Him? I live the way I want, I go to church once in a while, or perhaps on some occasions, even manage to attend multiple services in a week especially during times like Christmas and Good Friday where you know that you just have to get into the 'mood'.

I carry on living the way I want, unfortunately committing the sins that I have always done, but hey I can always just recall back to the moment, where I acknowledged Christ as Saviour. Well don't they always say that once saved always saved?

Who are the disciples of Christ? The disciples or 'level 2' christians are the ones who really heed God's commands to bear the cost of being a disciple, bearing the cross, giving up everything for Him. But really these are the preachers, pastors, missionaries and others whom have devoted their whole lives to God and His call to carrying their own cross. I am just a level 1 christian. I am not called to serve full time needless to say serve more than just one sunday service per week! The bible calls two levels of christians, the believers and the disciples. And I am just contented at being a believer. It allows me space to be the hypocrite that I am, living the way I want, commiting the sins i have always done, but yet, just at a convenient time, I confess my sins to Jesus and immediately, my sins are forgiven and I have the blessed assurance of heaven, though my glory might be less than others (which I am fine with). Or so is it?

Does the above describe you? Can one just be a believer and not a disciple of Christ? Can the believer bring out all the theologies, justification by faith, pre-election, once saved always saved and re-assure himself that non-committal living to Christ can still gain him access to one of the heavenly rooms that Jesus has prepared for him?

Why do we reject being a disciple of Christ? Why do we in the first place have this fallen reasoning that there can be two levels of Christians, the believer and the disciple? For one, being a disciple demands on us. But can one really just be a believer? Is being a believer different from being a disciple? Let's look into the bible and see what Jesus says.

We are familiar with the passages stating the cost of discipleship. Jesus states that if anyone wishes to come after him, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow him (Lk 9:23). He states that disciples should be willing to lose their lives for Jesus (Lk 9:24), not to lose their lives while chasing after things of the world (Lk 9:25), not to be ashamed of him and his words (Lk 9:26). Now who exactly is Jesus talking to here? Just a concentrated group of deeply convicted fervent disciples? No. In Mark 8:34-38, the gospel book records a similar passage of the cost of discipleship. Verse 34 records clearly, "Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

Jesus was preaching to the crowd. The masses. The multitudes. Everyone. Jesus is preaching the cost of discipleship to everyone. Not a selected group of 'more fervent' christians.

Another passage reiterates this. Luke 14:25-35 records the teaching of discipleship to large crowds.

25Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Jesus wanted to make true disciples. He never softened his message to majority preferences who are contended just to be believers. Instead, he plainly declared the high cost of discipleship. He made several bold demands that would discourage the half hearted.

Even IF there are indeed distinctions between a level 1 and level 2 christian, didn't Luke 10:27 tells us to love our Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind? With this, how can we not be hypocrites and still say that yes we abide by this but yet we still want to be level 1 christians?

The great commission at the end of the gospel of Matthew tells us to make DISCIPLES of all nations. And what to teach the disciples? That they obey all of Jesus commands (denying oneself, taking up his cross daily etc.). The great commandment for evangelism is to make disciples, not just believers.  

Are we not all Christians? Do you call yourself a Christian? Who are Christians? Take a look at Acts 11:26. "So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch."

Who are Christians? Disciples. 

There is no difference between a believer and disciple. No distinguishing between a level 1 or level 2 christian. Simply said, Believers = Disciples = Christians. Do not let our fallen reasoning control us, but let the bible speak for itself to us, and may the Holy Spirit guides our hearts to accept this truth, to obey as what Jesus commanded. To live as disciples.

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