Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sufficient grace

Caleb boy has finally learned to walk. It's such a joy seeing him walk on his own and having that smile on his face while walking.

This past one year has been stormy at times, doubtful at times, despair at times, dark at times. It seems like the ship has run aground. But God's grace is sufficient. The stormy, the dark, the despair, have worked for the good for us.

When I reflect back, the storms have cleared, the light of Christ have emerged victorious over the dark, hope has transcended over doubt.

My learning points. Count our blessings. Know others are suffering the same as you, if not, even worse. Unceasing prayer. Serving without reserves. Faith. Love. Obey.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love is not proud

Why are proud in the first place? There is no reason to be. When we stand before God as mentioned before, how can we ever be sure that deep down in our hearts where God searches all things, that we are better than the person next to us?

We have no reason to be proud. But rather, when we might have more God given grace than others in some areas, seek to edify, impart, teach the other if possible.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love does not boast

How often we only want to engage those weaker than us, that we feel we are better, have accomplished more, will be accomplishing more than them. In the pursue of being puffed up, we like to engage in conversations, activities with them and get the constant reminder that we are better than them. But are we?

Let’s not think too highly of ourselves lest it opens a door for the devil. The bible reminds us to think of others better than ourselves, reminds us not to think too highly of ourselves but think of ourselves in accordance to the faith that God has given. Even in matters of faith, we can be so convicted, so loving, so serving to God is because He has given us such a faith.

So let us not think of anyone worse than us. Because if the two of us were to stand before God now, who do you think God will favour more? God sees the heart. What is the state of our heart as compared to the person you think you are better than? Are we truly better than the other person before God?

Let’s not boast because, it we have truly nothing intrinsic to boast about. If we boast about things of vanity, in itself its vanity. Idle words, idle time. Let our speech be not of boast, but of edification. Edify your brother. Edify him every day, every way. God help us to do so. Remind us to do so.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The plunder from besor

In 1 Samuel 30, there is a magnificent story reminding us the riches that we have of this world are from God. Nothing we have is due to our works but solely through God's grace.

The ziklags plundered david's possesions as well as captured their children an wifes. But through God's providence, David mentioned to capture it back with 400 other men. Not only so, they retreived the ziklag's plunder as well. Before the battle, 200 men were so exhausted that they could not join in the battle.

Hence when the 400 returned with David, they said that the plunder was not to be shared with the 200 that stayed behind. But david's response was other wise. That all the plunder was given and not due to any works from any man. Hence, all 600 received an equal share. Many lessons to learn from this.

Firstly, to know that all riches are given from God and all brothers and sisters have a share for it. Because you know it's from God, you want to share it with others because you know it's not from your own. We offer because we know all good things are from God and the offerings are used for the edification of all.

Secondly, David stood firm on his godly principles and did not listen to the evil ones amongst his men. He was unlike Aaron, who gave in an made a golden calf, but remained true to godly principles.

Thirdly, there might be evil ones in your midst but that is for God to discern. We continue to render what they should receive, treat them, love them as we should to a non evil one.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Living a joyful, positive life in God

Joshua 15 teaches us a valuable lesson in the character of Caleb. Caleb though at 85 years old, proclaimed that he had the strength equivalent when he was 40 years old. He still had land to claim, enemies to defeat, not of his own accord but because God had promised him that it was the land that God had given him.

He was full of joy, and positive though he was 85 years old. How would we behave, think, feel at 85 years old? Would be depressed in our old age, thinking that we are useless, weak in health? Caleb at 85 was still full of vigour and joy because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly all the way since when he was the spy of a different spirit, reporting back that the land that God had promised could be conquered. Remember that wasn't an easy task to do. He faced opposition from his own people who even went to the extend of wanting to stone him. And these were the people who spied with him!

Let's be like Caleb, who even at old age, remembered God's promises. He followed wholeheartedly God and his promises. He had joy in serving him and giving thanks for the many graces.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Love does not Envy

Ah, one for the most powerful tools used by the devil to break a Christian. To break him down from within, the surest way to tempt him into evil, to forget the graces of God. To mock the graces of God.

Envy. In the 10 commandments, it says, do not covet. Envy springs forth coveting. Envy, looking at what you don’t have or the seeming lack of it, that you think is not comparable to others, and a sense of bitterness starts to spring off from inside.

A friend just got a new condo, or design to build flat, nicely renovated with great views. Or had just purchased a nice car, speedy, comfy. Or a great high paying job. Or a chance to be promoted. Or great results. Or a seeming great family life. Or great people skills. Or just received praises.

And we start to envy. It grows slowly into jealously. We start to self doubt ourselves, our graces, our abilities, our current situation. We become unsatisfied. We think, wouldn’t life be better if I hadn’t done this and this, and had done this and this? This is opening the door for the devil to step in.

Cain opened this door when he was jealous of Abel’s offering being favoured. Saul opened this door when he heard of praise given unto others other than him. Joseph’s brothers opened this door when they saw the nice color coat given to him. The Pharisees opened this door when they saw the number of disciples that Jesus attracted. The disciples opened this door when they argued who was the greatest. They opened the door and allowed bitterness to set in, and later on, some of the world’s most hideous crimes were conducted because of these.

Who did not open this door? Jonathan did not. Because he loved David as himself. Esau in my opinion opened but finally closed the door back when he received his brother in love. Barnabas closed this door when he received Paul with love and recognised that someone with a superior ability to minister was called. Abraham closed this door when he let his nephew chose the better looking land. And in the end, they were greatly blessed and remembered as heroes of faith.

We do not have to envy. We only have to give thanks. He is better, has better, is because God has planned it in such a way that His name, His will, His plans will be glorified and accomplished. He has given these good things to them. He was the source. If we disagree by envying, by being jealous, we are treating God in contempt. We should rejoice for our brother! Because we love him. Purging envy, we start to grow humility. Seeing nothing of ourselves. Making nothing of ourselves. But all together, tools for the service of God.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Love is kind.

Love is kind. It is always thinking how to better edifying the person, to do an action that will best help the person to grow to be a better person in Christ.

It is not just convenient kindness, where we avoid confrontation of sin, but willing to discipline where areas of sin is concerned that he may be freed from the bondage of the evil one.

Always thinking, how to better edify the person. In truth, in deeds.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Love is patient

1 Cor 13:4 - 8 is just so important for all of us. We often memorize it, sing it, read it, but yet fail to act it. Through this series of post, I hope that 1 Cor 13:4 - 8 is really imprinted unto my heart, affecting my everyday thoughts, actions and speech.

Love it patient. Love is patient when you expect something and it falls short of your expectations. You expect a nice gesture towards you, you expect something ought to be done for you. You expect that such a reply ought to have been given by this person. But the gesture, the reply, the action, falls short of your expectation.

Your spouse did not react the way he/she should, your child did not respond the way he/she should, your colleague did not give you the thanks he should, or the gave you something else that totally turned your expectation around, your parents did not understand you.

in all this, you remain patient. Patient is when you are fine, ok with the counterparty not meeting your expectation. And God has told us to be patient, as our expectations are always indulged in subjective selfishness. Often, people have been patient with us but we are not patient with them.

May we be patient to\day, and love.