Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The plunder from besor

In 1 Samuel 30, there is a magnificent story reminding us the riches that we have of this world are from God. Nothing we have is due to our works but solely through God's grace.

The ziklags plundered david's possesions as well as captured their children an wifes. But through God's providence, David mentioned to capture it back with 400 other men. Not only so, they retreived the ziklag's plunder as well. Before the battle, 200 men were so exhausted that they could not join in the battle.

Hence when the 400 returned with David, they said that the plunder was not to be shared with the 200 that stayed behind. But david's response was other wise. That all the plunder was given and not due to any works from any man. Hence, all 600 received an equal share. Many lessons to learn from this.

Firstly, to know that all riches are given from God and all brothers and sisters have a share for it. Because you know it's from God, you want to share it with others because you know it's not from your own. We offer because we know all good things are from God and the offerings are used for the edification of all.

Secondly, David stood firm on his godly principles and did not listen to the evil ones amongst his men. He was unlike Aaron, who gave in an made a golden calf, but remained true to godly principles.

Thirdly, there might be evil ones in your midst but that is for God to discern. We continue to render what they should receive, treat them, love them as we should to a non evil one.

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