Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Love is patient

1 Cor 13:4 - 8 is just so important for all of us. We often memorize it, sing it, read it, but yet fail to act it. Through this series of post, I hope that 1 Cor 13:4 - 8 is really imprinted unto my heart, affecting my everyday thoughts, actions and speech.

Love it patient. Love is patient when you expect something and it falls short of your expectations. You expect a nice gesture towards you, you expect something ought to be done for you. You expect that such a reply ought to have been given by this person. But the gesture, the reply, the action, falls short of your expectation.

Your spouse did not react the way he/she should, your child did not respond the way he/she should, your colleague did not give you the thanks he should, or the gave you something else that totally turned your expectation around, your parents did not understand you.

in all this, you remain patient. Patient is when you are fine, ok with the counterparty not meeting your expectation. And God has told us to be patient, as our expectations are always indulged in subjective selfishness. Often, people have been patient with us but we are not patient with them.

May we be patient to\day, and love.

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