Tuesday, July 20, 2010

All things work for the good of those who love Him.

I was fetching a preacher back home yesterday. He recently had an accident where a bus ran over his feet. His was utterly crushed and all the muscles and nerves were crushed to death. Till today, about two months after the accident, the dead skin and flesh has to be scrapped out from his feet. His mobility is of course affected and needs to take the cab more often.

In spite of all these, he shared with me that if he was not a Christian, he would be filled anger and impatience. Why did this happen to him?

But he carries on saying that because he is a Christian, he is instead filled with peace and joy. I immediately wondered if I would feel the same thing if it happened to me as well. I have read many times o experience joy and peace from God. But how exactly can I do that when it's a time of trial like what happened to the preacher?

I asked him. He answered. All things work for the good of those who love him. All things. Yes, even bad things. In each bad thing, there is God's wonderful will for us. That it would be good for us. Once you know this, you are at peace cause you know that God has in store goodness for you through the trouble and also joy because it's the best way for you given that it's God's way.

And it's that simple. Trouble, trials, tests? All work for the good of us.

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