Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Parable of the Sower - Retold for a new generation (Matt 13)

Jesus once told his disciples a parable of the sower.

A sower who sowed the seeds of the gospel sowed it across a field.

Guarding against Procrastination (Matt 13:19)

Some of the seeds fell beside the road where birds came and ate them up. The seeds are those who hears the gospel yet do not understand it. The devil comes and snatches away what is in the their hearts.

Are you this seed? Are you still procrastinating in believing the Word of God? Without faith first, can you understand? Has the devil snatched away what's is in your heart?

Being Prepared for Persecution (Matt 13:20-21)

Some of the other seeds fell on rocky places, where the soil is thin. They immediately sprang up because of the thin soil. Yet when the scorching sun shined upon them, they withered away for they had no roots. These seeds are those who hear the gospel with joy immediately. They might make emotional yet superficial commitments to Christ but the commitments are not real. They remain interested till persecution comes and there's a price to pay.

Are you this seed? Will you forsake what you received immediately with joy when persecution, inconvenience, costs, come into the picture?

Godliness in handling Prosperity (Matt 13:22)

There were some other seeds which were sowed among thorns. The seeds grew but were choked out by the thorns. These seeds are those who hears the Word, yet the world's worry and the deceitfulness of wealth choke their understanding of the Word and they become unfruitful. The make superficial commitments without true repentance. Yet, can't break from the love of money and love of the world.

Are you this seed? Are you a friend of the world, yet enemy of God? (James 4:4) Are you the rich ruler who cannot give up his possessions to follow Christ? (Matt 19:16-27)

Wouldn't a prosperity gospel introduce more 'weeds' to choke budding seeds? Why would we introduce more weeds when there are already many as there already is?

Guarding against Barrenness (Matt 13:23)

Finally, there were seeds which fell onto good soil. They are those who hears, and understands. Such bear fruits of repentance and fruits of the Spirit. They bear fruits of thirty fold, sixty fold and a hundred fold.

Are we bearing fruits or are we barren? The good tree bear good fruits. Any other tree is thrown into the fire. As such, only the seeds that grow into fruit bearing plants enter the Kingdom of God.

Which seed are we?

Do we guard against procrastination in believing God's Word or do we thirst for it?

Are we prepared against persecution or fall away when we have to bear the cost?

Do we sow seeds of the gospel or sow weeds of wealth's deceitfulness?

Are we barren plants or good trees that bear good fruits?

For the Master,

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