Saturday, April 09, 2011

A Dream of Denial

There was once a Christian who had a dream.

I saw in a dream that I was in the Celestial City. I was one of a great multitude from all countries and people and times and ages. I found out that the saint who stood next to me had been in Heaven more than 1,860 years.

"Who are you?" I said to him? We both spoke the same language of Heaven, so we could understand each other.

Said he "I was a Christian who lived in the days of the apostle Paul. I was one of those who died in Nero's persecutions. I was covered with pitch and fastened to a stake and set on fire to light up Nero's gardens."

"How awful!" I exclaimed.

"No," he said. "I was glad to do something for Jesus. He died on the cross for me."

Another man beside me then spoke. "I have been in Heaven only a few hundred years. I came from an island in the South Seas. John Williams a misionary, came and told me about Jesus, and I too learned to love Him. My fellow countrymen killed the missionary and they caught and bound me. I was beaten till i fainted and they thought I was dead, but I revived. Then next day, they knocked me on the head, cooked and ate me."

"How terrible!" I said.

"No," he answered, "I was glad to die as a Christian. You see the missionaries had told me that Jesus was scourged and crowned with thorns for me."

Then they both turned to me and said, "What did you suffer for Him? Or did you sell what you had for the money which sent men like John Williams to tell man kind about Jesus?"

And I was speechless. And while they both were looking at me with sorrowful eyes, I awoke, and it was a dream! But I lay on my soft bed awake for hours, thinking of the money I had wasted on my own pleasures; or my extra clothing, and costly car, and many luxuries; and I realized that I did not know what the words of Jesus meant: "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."

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