Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Most Important Thing.

Mike Hanzas was a different sort of guy. He lived alone. Two years before he died, he began making preparations for his death. He bought a lot in the cemetery. He made weekly visits to the cemetery, planted grass over his plot, mowed it regularly, even put flowers there. He wanted to see the flowers there before he was gone. He bought a casket and visited the funeral home to see the casket. He’d stand beside the casket and say, “That’s where I’m going to live someday!”

One day Mike invited his family to come and see him. After a good meal, he gave out some canned goods he figured he wouldn’t need, and some personal items, and his will. As he did this, he suffered from a heart attack and passed away.   

A lot of preparation I’d say. . . .  

But you know what the sad thing is?   

As far as we know, Mike Hanzas had made every provision for his body but none for his soul.  

Do you recall the words of Matthew 16:25, 26

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake
will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own
soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”   

If you stand before God, with a lost soul, an unsaved soul, a soul that never got around to
accepting the Lord Jesus Christ, you will face tremendous loss.   
You will have nothing to look forward to but hell. . . .and eternal separation from God. At that moment when you stand before God, what will you use to bargain with God for your soul?   


When you stand before God, it will be too late to make any changes. . . you won’t be able to
exchange anything for your soul.   

You’ll be lost forever.   

If you’re waiting for your deathbed to do business with God about your eternal destiny, Satan’s
got you so fooled. He’s got you right where he wants you. And if you keep putting that decision off, and putting it off, thinking that you can sluff your way into eternity, God will somehow open the doors of heaven to you. . . you’re fooling yourself.   

By the time you finally wake up and see the truth, it will be too late. Vast amounts of people in good churches across this nation are pursuing their financial future, their comfort and their possessions to the detriment of their soul.   

Don’t let that be you!!! Because in the end, God will say, “you fool, this very night your life will be required of you!” And you will be able to do nothing about it.   

I can guarantee that within less than a second after you die, that money you spent a life time
amassing will be the furthest thing from your mind. The only question on your mind will be. . . “am I ready to face eternity?” And by then, it’s too late to prepare.   

No one escapes death. . . no one!   

The question is. . . are you ready?

The only way for you to be ready is if your soul has been bought, paid for and purchased.   
What buys, pays for, and purchases a soul?  
Only the blood of Jesus.   

When He died, He hung on that cross in agony, to pay for your soul.   

When He rose again, He did it for you. . . to insure that if you trust Him, He will raise
you up from the dead.   

The only thing that remains for your soul to be ready for death is to come to Christ to be
saved from sin.   

Jesus said:  
“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no
wise cast out.”

Have you come to Jesus?   
If you haven’t. . . you’re selling your soul to something that doesn’t care about you.   
But Jesus is the rightful Owner of your soul. . . .  

Have you received Him personally?   

Why not now?

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