Friday, February 24, 2012

Abraham's Faith and Worship

God Reassures Abram in spite of Opposition (Gen 12:6-7)

Gen 12:6-9 tells us of Abram’s journey from out of Haran. He traveled as far as Shechem. It was about 15 miles west of the Jordan and 30 miles north of Jerusalem.

The Canaanites were in the land there which inevitably Abram would have been threatened by their occupation of the land. However God in verse 7 appeared to him to boost his faith and re-assuring him that He will give this land to his offspring. The seeds of divine truth were to be sown there for the benefit of all man kind. It was chosen as the most appropriate land for the coming of divine revelation and salvation for the world. 

The Response of Abram - Confession of Faith and Public Worship (12:7)

In a response of thanksgiving, Abram built an altar to the Lord. Abram made an open confession of his faith and established worship of the true God. This was the first place of worship ever erected in the Promised Land.

Moses was writing approximately 700 years after Abram entered the land. The Canaanites were soon to be opponents of Israel as they entered Canaan. Moses wrote this to encourage both himself, and the Israelites in the Lord.

It is Worth It!

When God calls for our obedience, He does not just leave us alone or as a traveller in the desert fending for himself. He will constantly encourage us, reassuring us the worthiness of reaching the heavenly goal, comfort us when we are down, and reminding us that we have not treaded down the wrong path.

Knowing the Importance of Worship and Thanksgiving (12:8)

In verse 8, he continued towards Bethel and pitched his tent. Again he built an altar and called on the name of the Lord. This is the second time Abram built an altar. He will continue to build two more later in Hebron and Mt. Moriah. Why did Abram build an altar? He knew the important of worship and thanksgiving to God. We might be involved in fellowship, prayer meeting, witnessing, but worship is an important time where we place all our attention on God.

I have seen people smsing, facebooking, using their handphones during worship. Some sleep. Some are too lazy to bring their bibles. Some sit there but are not actually attentive. In other words, being DISTRACTED. Let’s not do that. Jesus tells us to worship in truth and in spirit. What does that mean?

Worship in truth means we worship according to God’s truth. We preach the truth in worship, sing hymns that convict us of God’s truth in worship, the entire atmosphere helps infiltrate God’s truth into our mind, emotional and conviction.

Worship in spirit means we do not just worship in dead truth alone, but yet in truth, and also in a lively manner that involves our total selves to focus on God. It does not mean we jump around like a rock concert. Is that true liveliness? We can be lively, yet mindful of the respectfulness to maintain before our great Lord.

So let us not be distracted during worship. Treat worship as important. Be ready to worship. Actively worship. Live out your worship.

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