Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are We Out Of Our Mind?

Mark 3:21 "and when his family heard it, they went out to seize Jesus, for they were saying, 'He is out of His mind.'"

In the Christian walk, there will be many times to the faithful follower of Christ where his closest family and friends will not understand the actions of him, till to the point that they mistaken him as out of his mind.

This is not surprising as the same thing happened to Jesus. He allowed people to impose on Him, asking Him to teach them, to heal them, to minister to them. Thousands crowded around Him when the chance arises. And when his family heard Him returning home, they quickly seized Him out of love and protection, to protect Himself from others. This is the natural instinct of loved ones. Won't a mother tiger risk her all to protect her cubs? This is but love shown upon by the family.

However, Jesus knew that an even greater Father was in control. Yes, to the family, they indeed will not understand why Jesus spends so much time outside proclaiming an unseen Kingdom, will want to dine with sinners, tax collectors, willing to be humiliated by supposedly respected teachers of that time, and ultimately, be crucified on to the cross in the most tragic of capital punishment.

But Jesus obeyed His Father's will, that His Kingdom be seek first, His Kingdom be established. Many times, families do not understand why we allow others to impose on our time, money and energy. But this mis-understanding will not stay. In tens of years, in Heaven, all this will be made crystal clear. Why the Christian has been storing treasures in Heaven? Why has he been seeking the Heavenly Kingdom first?

Yes, misunderstandings will remain. However, just as His family did not understand sometimes, they still submitted because they saw the truthfulness and purity of His life. They knew that He was God and they must have faith in what was to be achieved by God Himself, just as Mary submitted and allowed herself to be made use of by God to bear the Son of God.

The Christian is to continue to love, honor his family though such misunderstandings exist. And through that testimony, bring to light what is unseen, to be clearly and soberly seen in faith.

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