Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dealing with Jealousy

F.B. Meyer told the following experience to a few personal friends. 

"It was easy," he said, "to pray for the success of G.Campbell Morgan when he was in America. But when he came back to England and took a church near to mine, it was something different. The old Adam in me was inclined to jealousy, but I got my heel upon his head, and whether i felt right toward my friend, i determined to act right."

"My church gave a reception for him and i acknowledged that if it was not necessary for me to preach Sunday evenings, I would dearly love to go and hear him myself. Well, that made me feel right toward him. But just see how the dear Lord helped me out of my difficulty. There was Charles Spurgeon preaching wonderfully on the other side of me. He and Mr. Morgan were so popular, and drew such crowds, that our church caught the overflow and we had all we could accommodate."

Jealousy shoots at others and wounds herself.
Jealousy is misery's companion.
Those who are green with envy often become red with anger.
But what if all were like me? The world would come to a certain end.
So trust in the Lord's sovereignty, that He uses all people for His glory. 

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