Sunday, July 22, 2012

Workplace Witnessing (Part III)

Don't Compromise Your Christian Values

"But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way." Daniel 1:8

In Daniel 1, we know that Nebuchadnezzar had successfully invaded Jerusalem. He then selected qualified man from amongst the Jews, brought them to serve in his palace. Among them were Daniel and three of his good friends.

He resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine that he was offered in the palace because he knew that there was the possibility that they had been prior offered to idols or that there were unclean components in the food. Though immersed in the Babylonian culture, he resolved to maintain his Jewish culture because in his heart, that was God honoring. In his workplace, he resolved not to compromise his God honoring values.

Similarly, in our workplace, the first step to workplace witnessing is to establish our identity as Christians amongst everyone. Establishing our identity is not just wearing a cross, placing a bible on our desks, or tell people that we go to church on sundays. That is important. But truly establishing our identity is resolving to our Christian values when the call for compromise arises.

When you are asked to bring a client to entertainment spots which involves sexual immorality or drunkenness, what values do you hold on to? If you often have to miss sunday service because of work, what alternative arrangements do you do? When colleagues are engaging in gossip, do you add fuel to the fire or do you act as the peacemaker? When there are unrighteous dealings in your company, how do you react to it?

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