Saturday, September 01, 2012

How do false teachers deceive people?

False teachers are not obvious. Hence, only then are they able to deceive people as they are mistaken as true teachers. So how do they do it? They do not go around saying that Jesus is false. Such are blatantly obvious. What they do are secretly, subtlety, they infuse twists and turns into the Word of God.

Deut 4:2 says, "Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you."

False teachers slowly but surely add extra man made stuff into the bible. They will say, you should pray in detail what you want for, only then will God know what you want and thus will provide. If you are not detailed enough, your prayers will not be answered. One proponent of this is Cho Yonggi, mentor of Kong Hee.

Another way that false teachers tweak the bible to fit the interests of man is to subtract from it. They preach that God will cause prosperity. But they do not preach that He casts down woes as well. They preach that God will give. But they do not preach that He takes as well (Job 1:21). They preach that God saves, but they do not preach that God judges as well. One such proponent is Joel Osteen.

We should take the whole counsel of God. Not add to it man centered ideas, nor take away the works of God which we do not like to hear.

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