Monday, September 03, 2012

The Nature of Religion

The Bible informs us that man was created in the image of God. Notice that only man is created in the image of God. Animals, fishes, plants and other living things aren't. Among all the nations and tribes of the earth, men have demonstrated a tendency to worship a higher being. You don't see monkeys gathering around a bonfire worshiping. This is the sense of religion that is within men, because he is made in the image of God. This sense of religion touches the deepest springs of man's life and also controls his thoughts, feelings and desires.

But just what is religion? Religion is the fear of God. This fear is not a feeling of dread, but of reverent regard for God, coupled with love, confidence, faith and godliness.

In reverent awe of God, man is conscious of the absolute majesty and infinite power of God and of his own utter insignificance and absolute helplessness. 

In love of God, its a conscious and voluntary relationship to God, which expresses itself in grateful worship and loving service. 

The manner of this religious worship and service is not left to the arbitrary will of man, but is determined by God.

Ask Ourselves

What is our attitude towards God? Is it one of disinterest or going through ritualistic motions? Are we regarding God as center in our lives? Do we treat Him with love, faith, confidence and godliness? Or are we just going to church on Sundays and live our sinful lives for the rest of the week? 

May we resolve to love God, with all our hearts, minds, soul and strength by glorifying Him in our speech, our actions, our thoughts, our hopes and our decisions.

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