Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Apprentice @ JPMorgan

First, its was MAS. Now JPMorgan. Damn grp discussions are really dog eat dog. I quote someone whom i met today also having gone thru the GD, "Everyone is blinded by the urge to perform. " Well, i am just complaining here and by all means i believe that a GD can indeed pick out good people. I just can't do a GD for nuts.

I certainly can get a job done with a team, but communication happens in many other ways besides verbal. Gone is the stamina, endurance, written, cognitive influencing and many others needed to achieve success in a project. What matters in a GD is verbal, assertive verbal comms, and more of that. Well, i may be wrong, and erm, if JPM calls for the 3rd rd, then i am truly wrong. haha...I guess u all readers just know that i am crying over spilt milk. =0

Wonder if u all think my entries are utterly boring or interesting or half half. Can just leave a comment here if u chance upon this site. Anyway, i neber promote this blog of mine at all. Miracle if someone other than me chance upon this site. Anyway, i just blog so that i can relieve interesting moments in my life.

Still waiting for CS to call me...Uh ah....gets interesting liao. What's the pay?? hehe. U gotta read future entires from me to find out. Actually, counting, i truthfully got 2 job offers, one from CS and another from TLI. Perhaps JPM? nah.... hahaha.. CSCSCS!!! Lemme sign it!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Exactly 1 week to HYP submission

Exactly 1 week to HYP submission. And yet, i am still loaded with new stuff to add to implementation. I guess my responsiblities have really been infused with that of a TLI perm staff. Damn, with obstacles builds character. I shall win them all! Well really, i got a job and don't realli care. Just go through this tortuous 1 week and it will all be over i hope.

I realli hope that in future when i take on projects at work, i will do so with pride in my work. Not this endless struggling trying to wander about in lost forest. Oh and...i will get paid. Hence the motivation =).

All these just part and parcel of life. Each one has his own set of problems to tackle. Let's not hold the mug too long such that it makes our hand heavy, but to know when to release it. Damns philosophical but wat the heck, it worked for me and i hope it will for u too.

Well, tomorow's JPMorgan Rd 2. Hehehe.... The Apprehentice. Realli got to speak up tomorrow. Well let God lead. Oh and CS, when the **** are you gonna give me the contract to sign!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I am gonna start anew with my blog!

Gosh, i better start writing a proper blog. My writing standard's been dropping way low. Too much programming and adhering to computer syntax really makes my english lousy. Been struggling with thesis and paper writing due due to this lousy standard of english. Man, the closest thing to English is Natural Language Processing (NLP) if ya know what i mean.

Oh btw, CS did reply. And its from my dear Director! Hahahahahah!!! So happy. Hope to sign the employment contract soon. You better don't dua kang me this time man. Nevertheless, i will continue going for JPMorgan's interview. In case... I really thank God for the grace blessed upon me. I am glad that my days of rejections are over (Not to cause you guys job-seekers out there to be upset, but gambatte!).

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

When will CS reply????

Damn...wat the blog has become so jiapalang liao..
Drats..When will CS reply me...argh... its too long a wait. I hope they keep their promises.
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