Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meals on Wheels For Children - YWCA

Recently my company had an event calling for volunteers at YWCA. Its called "meals on wheels for children". Well, any activity that is rooted in the Christian faith, I will support. Hence went...

Took care of about 20 over children, mainly coming from needy familes. Took quite a no. of photos and you can see them below,

The program actually delivers dinners to these children such that no children will go to bed hungry and about once or twice in a month, they will organize an event where the kids can come and be mentored by older bros and sis. For today's case, us! haha...played plenty of games with them and it was fun. They realli enjoyed the games and also the Macdonalds lunch.

I was thinking to myself how did they get the children to come here, and then I realized that a mini-van would realli do wonders to such a ministry. Being able to use the van to fetch them to and fro, to outreach to them. I pray that our church would be able to get a van of our own so that we could do the same.

Count my blessings, i was born in a wonderful family. And I realli have to share my graces/blessings with others.

To God be the Glory, and thanks to the wonderful missionary who set up YWCA (go to to know more.).

** PS on wednesday! =D

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mid Autumn Gospel Rally

Mid Autumn Gospel Rally held on Saturday 7pm. May those whom have heard accept the greatest gift of their lives.

Sis Wanting and Preacher Susan:Mischievous kids, but cute though...
Service Hand book
Response slip. lunch to ...bombay cafe at suntec funni...doesn't feel like you are in Sg at all when you are inside!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hello, just had our final fitting today. Catherine and I had our measurements taken and Cat confimed her photo shoot gowns while I confimed my jackets (done in 10 mins plus...). Cat also had her trial make up. Later let u see a glimpse..... Our photo shoot will be on the Oct 3rd. We are planning to take it at three locations, mother church(zion presbyterian), East Coast and the floating stadium which is still pending approval. Share with you some b4 and after photos...haha..dun laugh!!!
haha...transformed into......

I have also been reading the below book "Facing your Giants" by Max Lucado. Its really a good book and through the happenings of what David has gone through, help you face your own giants. Your giants might not only come in the form of a physical man, but it could come as your addiction to pornography, or if you are far away from God, if you can't stop gossiping, if you keep doubting yourself, and many more. Max uses the Word of God to help us overcome this. I have so far read half of the book and I seriously recommend to everyone. It will realli do gd. I particularly like this one,...

Its the story of how David conquered the city of Jerusalem. The jebusites who initially in Jerusalem mocked David that even the blind and the lame could keep him and his army out of the cities. And Jerusalem was indeed a stronghold, high walls, with favourable could David win the city? We almost want to join the Jebusites in mocking David. But the bible used this amazing word to describe David's victory...


Nevertheless, David took over Jerusalem. When people mocked him, saying that he can't do it, David did not give up in self doubt or despair. The just went ahead. He strengthened himself in the Lord, like what he did back at Brook Besor. Nevertheless, he conquered the city. Nevertheless, now let me remember this word always!

"Born to alcoholics, nevertheless she led a sober life.
Never went to college, nevertheless he mastered a trade.
Didn't read the bible until retirement age, nevertheless he came to a deep and abiding faith."

"Nevertheless, David took the stronghold..." 2 Sam 5:6-9

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Marriage Life

Had marriage counseling today with wife and Pastor Tang. Would just like to share the invaluable advice from him with everyone, especially when it comes to something so important like marriage. committment from a total person for his total life
What does marriage require? It requires total committment from a total person for his total life. I like to remember it as, TC, TP and TL. Our marriage vows are not simply just a script to read, but really, in sickness in health, in good times, in bad times, for riches for poverty, ... it really requires total committment from both parties from their total persons for their total lives.
As we attend other people's weddings and hear them say their vows, its in fact a time for us to re-affirm the vows that we have said on our own big day. A constant reminder.

2. Marriage, like a plant, has to grow, has to be nurtured.
If left alone, a plant will die. Similarly marriage. If both do not take the effort to nurture it, it will slowly wither, you find yourselves distanting, and slowly die. However, a marriage that grows will in turn cause the lives of both to grow as well. When such happens, each will edify each other. For Catherine and I who are Christians, we pray to God that we both can grow together in maturity, to grow in service to God and lastly to grow in being a blessing to others.

3. Having time for each other
Having time for each other, in terms of both quality and quantity. Many might say that they spent 'quality' time, but let this be done in quantity as well. Many gadgets in our midst are indeed strangling this quality time. Two very good examples are the computer and the T.V. Wife, husband gets home from work, immediately switches on the tv/laptop and zoom...its bedtime. Next day goes to work come back from work.... you get the point. (This is why i resolute not to have a TV set in my bedroom, but the other playrm ok la ;)) Do not let the tv, computer take center stage. Spend time communicating with each other, talk.

4. Be forgiving and respectful to your partner
Many are fully aware that they tend to take their partners for granted, but still do so. We have to be ready to forgive, to respect, to trust, letting each other have their own circle of privacy.

5. Having the right priorities and values
Our priorities and values are without saying, rooted in God's Word. When one gets into a car accident, we should not worry about the damages that we have to pay for the bonnet being damaged or lights being replaced. We ask if the person is firstly safe? Secondly, is anyone else injured? The rest is really secondary, don't have to probe further. Deciding the things that really matter. Pastor Tang said one sentence that I will never forget, "Problems that can be resolved with money are not problems." Quoted one example being the guy who went AWOL with a missing rifle because of his failed relationship with his gf. This is not a problem that can be resolved with money. It hence goes back to the values that we hold, where do they come from? Very often, the world's values disappoint. We have to go back to the values revealed to us in the God's word.

6. Having a Family Altar
Don't be mistaken, its not having a physical sacrifice altar or tablet but really, a time where both of us (or more if have children in the future) can spend the time together praying, pondering over God's word. A family altar also is a like previously mentioned, a set of values we hold together that prompts us to grow in service to God, to the church, to everyone else, that we might be testimonies for Him.

Yep that's it. I am not saying that Catherine and I have kept the above, but it is certainly a reminder writing this entry to myself as well. What I earnestly hope and pray for is that, Catherine and I will establish our own household of faith and keeping hold of all that has been shared here.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Below is my colleague's cool car. haha...she wanted a photo of here goes! (courtesy of my equally cool K800 which dunno why the games application ain't working!)
hmmm..wat did I do for the week? Mon nite went bible nite class on revelation. tues went for children camp at aloha loyang. Nice place, might be planning to use it for student/youth camp in the year end. Wed nite went for some drinks courtesy of a visiting director, but I went home shortly after as I have promised grandparents' dinner. Thurs went out with May, David, Jimmy and wife. And of coz friday nite I can predict will be prayer meeting! Of coz if my code release goes smoothly!!!

For wedding preparations, next sunday will be wife's trial make up (a while) and also my jacket fitting (which will probably be done in 5 mins). least i don't bring a PSP there!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Sad note

Phew...finally backed home. After a day's work, went to nite class on Revelation chapter 12. Pastor Teo linked the chapter back to Daniel chapter 9 about the seventy sevens and also taught about the red dragon with seven heads that stood prepared to swallowed the child that was about to be born out of a woman.

Speaking about childbirth, I was greeted with both pleasant and very sad news today. Catherine's colleague Grace gave birth to a healthy young boy today!

But on a very sad note, i learnt that a colleague of mine whose baby daughter was only a few months maybe even weeks old, had passed away last friday. He is now back in India.

Once again I am reminded that life is really not in our hands. Who are we to determine that we are going to live for the next 10, 20 or 50 years? Our breathe of life might be taken away right this instant! Now what's the meaning in life? Without Jesus, it is meaningless.

I don't care if you call me preachy or holy. I have already lost two friends, one my army buddy and the other my secondary school class mate. Life is seriously not in our hands and who are we to demand that we are in control to live tomorrow?

We have to seek God and have faith in Him. In Him, we who are weary and burdened can find rest.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Teacher's Day to Me!

Was greeted with a pleasant surprise today......My sun sch students gave me teacher's day prezzzies! sweet.

Some pictures of them below...

Just wanted to let you who gave me the presents know that I really do treasure the gifts.

For the other students, please PLEASE please do not be pressured into buying any gifts.
The greatest gift that you can give me is that you grow up into someone used greatly by God.

I enjoy teaching you guys, seeing you all grow both physically and spiritually..haha, till you graduate out of my class. =)

Oh rite, S.F. (Student Fellowship) also gave met this cool card yesterday!

Glory to God,