Saturday, August 13, 2011

Eph 1:15-16 True Faith brings about True Love

Eph 1:15-16 “This is why, since i heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I never stop giving thanks in my prayers.”

Paul here upon hearing the faith of the Ephesus believers and their love for one another, gave thanks to God continously. Over here, we see from the example of the Ephesus believers that true faith is accompanied by love for one another. This is reverberated in Galatians 6 where Paul encourages believers that true faith in Christ brings true love which will share one another’s burdens. With this kind of love, there is no need for the law.

How often, we affirm sound doctrines of theology and are able to quote this verse and that. Yet, we lack in the exercise and show of love. We listen, we read, we sing, we may even preach, yet when it comes to a show of love, we bring about dragged feet, unwilling hearts. Help us to learn from the example of Jesus.

He was busy in the ministry. He preached forth truth. He rebuked, encouraged, warned people with truth. Yet, He was never too busy to stop by a blind or lame man and heal him unless when he was utterly exhausted or submitted to the Father for another ministry. Never too busy to take a route down Samaria and have a sincere chat with a Samaritan woman and reveal His messiah-ship. He was never too busy to dine with tax collectors and sinners. He was never too busy to attend a wedding, to visit Mary’s house or take a detour which involved the risk of murderous attempt on Him just to heal Lazarus.

True faith, brings about true love. For those being ministered to, that involves true love for your shepherd. For those ministering, that involves true love for the flock. And for all, true love for one another.

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